unbalanced II
by acid
unbalanced II by acid
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Vicarious Rep. 168
#4   27 Feb 2018
Fun as hell
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lol unregistered
#3   05 Apr 2010
This map is from Warsow
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HelterSkeleton Rep. 6761
#2   26 Jul 2008
There is little variation from the original here other than item replacements. The lower crates have been given a facelift. The lower level GA has been replaced by armor shards and 2 GH balls. The player spawn point at the sg/rl ammo at the t-junction has been removed. The passage from the quad to the water has a rl ammoclip and an extra 25 health. The upper ga (green area) is replaced by armor shards where it used to be on the original and extra armour shards btwn the GL and health up top. There is no health ball at the top of the stairs passing the ya (purple area). The lightfitting at the SG (purple area) is replaced by a window and according to the level shot there is meant to be stars and a planet in the skybox but in my case the original skybox loaded. Health and armor shards to replace ga i am assuming is a tweak for TDM but it seems a little bit like 6 of 1 1/2 dozen of the other and just clutters the map. The shards near gl would notify someone down below of the presence above but you just gotta know that a GL up top is going to mean a shower of grenades so i just dont know. The player spawn point makes sense as this is a vulnerable place to spawn and reduces the spawn points to an even 10 - 5 a piece - but even 10 players on a map this size in FFA gets messy.

Edited: 26 Jul 2008 AEST

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Twisted unregistered
#1   24 Jul 2008
I should add that I've since made it to the RA without a rocket once or twice. It seems to be at the very edge of jump range, so if you time it perfectly you may make it from the higher of the nearby ledges. It's probably a fairly easy jump in CPM, but in VQ3 you won't make it very often without using the launcher.
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