Gajapoor by Zihaben & Yan Zaraki
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Whatscheiser Rep. 682
#21   16 Apr 2022
Really rare to see a sort of real world location rendered out as believable in the Quake 3 engine, but this one gets it done. Doesn't play half bad either.
Wow... I just noticed that I made a patch for missing textures, when a patch already existed. LOL! Oops.
Edited 3.83 minutes after the original posting.
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<secs.> Rep. 111
#20   07 Oct 2016
I have no idea how I managed to miss this map. Great atmosphere, and fun to play. Great job!
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CleanedUp Rep. 92
#19   04 Jan 2014
A very well done map. 8.5/10. The music is excellent and adds a unique touch. Physically it seems to be built well and is fun to play. The architecture is wonderful. But there is an unwelcome "dichotomy" between the blaring guns and the serenity of the mosque (and NO I am not trying to stir up the debate below in any way :D). Also I didnt enjoy the water section leading the bfg100K. I don't use that gun, so it is annoying getting stuck in a watery tunnel leading to it that you cannot back out of D:.
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KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2518
#18   15 Jul 2012
@FragTastic: We have different religious rules. That does not mean you have the right to go out on the internet and tell other people who do not belong to your religion what you can and cannot do, say, post, or upload.

I can respect your religion as well as others, as long as they do not interfere with anything else. In the future, do try and behave more rationally, rather than angry :)

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themuffinator Rep. 1064
#17   13 Jul 2012
Frag can post some seriously stupid shit the majority of the time and I've learned to ignore it... but this time I can't help myself, this is beyond ridiculous, even for a troll.

Everyone has the freedom of orientation and expression. Just because you believe in something doesn't mean that other people have to as well or even respect your beliefs... what you're attempting to do amounts to censorship.

People should get over themselves so then maybe one day we don't have to pick up a newspaper and read about more people being exucuted, maimed or blown up just because someone's pathetic religious beliefs got offended.

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FragTastic Rep. 2467
#16   13 Jul 2012
@SW12: I am a muslim and my religious rules are completely different to yours so don't tell me I aggravate you. I actually find that rude since you are accusing me of making you angry when I'm not. I was just saying that it may be religious to ''Some'' people not ''All''.
Edited: 13 Jul 2012 AEST
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KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2518
#15   12 Jul 2012
@FragTastic: Its people like you who aggravate me. Just because there are maps related to your religion, that is no reason to get all pissy. You would try and censor this simply because you don't like it, well If that's your logic, you oughta be banned from posting since I don't want to read your idiotic comments!
Edited 1064.66 days after the original posting.
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FragTastic Rep. 2467
#14   12 Mar 2012
@Tig: Yes! Like I said you wont be banned for a map like this but you may be warned. Just don't make a map that may offend people in any way.
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Tig Rep. 2472
#13   12 Mar 2012
@Zihaben: A Khajuraho level would not be banned, but may come with a warning for the downloaders (so there are no surprises).
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FragTastic Rep. 2467
#12   12 Mar 2012
@Zihaben: You do have a point but I think it does bug me a little but I do like the map. the textures, Gameplay & layout is brilliant. I doubt it. You wont be banned here. Tig will make the decisions.
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Sergei "Zihaben" Starko Rep. 70
#11   12 Mar 2012
@FragTastic Well, if Hindu priests already carved a lot of nasty Kamasutra sculptures on the walls of Khajuraho temples.... I don't think they even mention my modest Q3 level :)))))

Btw, Khajuraho is a good idea for the new map. But I'm affraid I will be banned here LOL

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FragTastic Rep. 2467
#10   11 Mar 2012
@Zihaben: Yes! I know it's Hindu architecture but if a Hindu Q3 player saw this in a game they would probably feel effended don't you think?
Edited: 11 Mar 2012 AEST
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Sergei "Zihaben" Starko Rep. 70
#9   11 Mar 2012
@FragTastic I used hindu architecture as reference...There are statues of Hindu gods, human-depicting murals(which is banned for muslims), and there are no minarets at all.

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FragTastic Rep. 2467
#8   07 Jan 2012
Its a brilliant map but setting a map in a mosque/temple etc.. Is offensive to put in a shooting game. I am a muslim myself and find this offensive and i dont like it ):.
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AEon Rep. 820
#7   21 Aug 2009
Amazing map visually... very beautiful design, and some creative ideas like the flying carpet JPs. Not sure if this is actually possible, but quite a bit more work could have been put into more pathing, IMO. Then it would have been beautiful and playable.

Bug: At least two textures are missing, one seems to be metal for the scaffolding and another one the for sliding doors. Could the authors fix this please? Tested with vQ3. Why do so few folks actually test their maps on a clean install of Q3?

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ZIhaben unregistered
#6   14 Aug 2008
@scourge: you may use old pk3, hosted at Download fix from planetquake or download my map called East Berlin Roofs contained missing textures.
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spirit Rep. 741
#5   14 Aug 2008
I wrote the review and tested the map on on debian linux box, no case sensitivity issues and all textures were fine.

EDIT (after seeing comment #6 by ZIhaben): I most likely had that map installed, hehe. Another map with a great theme btw.
Edited: 18 Jan 2011 AEST

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Tig Rep. 2472
#4   14 Aug 2008
@scourge: The textures are not missing in the screenshots or the video. My guess is the problem is at your end, BUT could be a case-sensitivity issue if you are using a UNIX / Linux box.

One suggestion is to remove all the PK3s except the official ones and this one, then check again.

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scourge unregistered
#3   14 Aug 2008
This is a really cool looking map! Spot on Zihaben and Yan Zaraki! There is one problem though...some textures (most noticeably the scaffoldings) are mssing...could I be missing a ,pk3 file that I was supposed to get or smt?
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wakey Rep. 213
#2   10 May 2008
Wooohooo, i luv this map <3
Realy an extrordinary piece.
And this atmosphere.....
Zihaben and Yan Zaraki, gimme more more more of this :D
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Rota Rep. 140
#1   11 Apr 2008
I totally agree with review. I like that architecture.. and that textures are briliant.. Just gameplay isnt so impressive.
8,5/10 for me
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