Sunset Isle
Sunset Isle by Scourge
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Gelenkbusfahrer Rep. 210
#17   23 Aug 2022
I made a remix of this map for QL, which can be found there:
Dunno if i'm up to convert this for Q3a.
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Colton Rep. 397
#16   30 May 2016
Looks like something out of CoD Advanced Warfare. One of those maps in particular reminds me about this one...
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I_like_quake unregistered
#15   04 Jun 2012
I absolutely love this map
a lot of weapons, power-ups, and armor. Not to mention how there is action through out the entire map
just a little dark in places, or maybe my laptop is just whack
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FragTastic Rep. 2467
#14   07 Jan 2012
Gorgeous map.
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5c0uRG3 Rep. 2
#13   08 Nov 2011
Thanks for the kind comments guys! I haven't checked this site out in such a long time @.@
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KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2518
#12   14 Jun 2011
I like how realistic this is. all of those Middle-East themed maps are good to play in the summer.
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gooball Rep. 1161
#11   13 Jun 2011
This map reminds me of Shibam!
Edited: 13 Jun 2011 AEST
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Scourge unregistered
#10   23 Nov 2008
Oh i forgot the "casablanca.arena" also has to have the SAME NAME as the .bsp that you've changed! so if I renamed to scourge.bsp ---> scourge.arena (In case you didn't know this of course).
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Scourge unregistered
#9   23 Nov 2008
@Squad: I think all you can do now is open the .pk3 (winrar or winzip) , go into the maps folder and rename the "casablanca.bsp" to "whatever.bsp" and in the scripts folder open up "casablanca.arena" with notepad and on the line" map "casablanca" " change the name to " map "whatever" ". I hope this helps and I;m glad you liked my map!
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Squad unregistered
#8   19 Nov 2008
This is definitely a great map.

I've got one problem loading it though. Although the map is called "Sunset Isle" the file itself is named Casablanca. There's already a Casablanca map here on lvlworld, which I have installed, and I can't get both to show up in my choice of boards. Only one or the other shows. I've tried renaming the file itself, but that doesn't solve the problem. Any ideas on how I can get both to show?

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Mark unregistered
#7   04 Jul 2008
This is a fantastic map - a real winner in my books! The steps presented themselves as speed humps at first but take them on with some diagonal strafe jumps and you really get some awesome speed up along with some great midair vectoring. And what i really love about the steps is you can go into a rocket jump while strafing without losing the speed you've built up. A strafers dream. Forget the rail gun - the grenade launcher works a treat and if a few of you end up with it - fun times are going to be had. Add haste and invisibility to the mix and you have a joyous map. (ps: looking for an easy frag - load some bots up aswell - they tend to get stuck in the pool with the MH). Congratulations Scourge on a top notch map.
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Achillez unregistered
#6   19 May 2008
Awesome map
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scourge unregistered
#5   10 Apr 2008
I'm glad you guys like my map!
About the water texture, yes it is from mapmedia.pk3. If the texture doesn't show up (which it should because i've added it to my map's texture folder, also including its shader files), then you just have to download mapmedia.pk3 from my filefront page. Also, about the black alpha channels on the plant leaves: if you can, open up the .pk3 using zip, go in the "scripts" folder and rename the shader file thats called "multiplant" to any name that you prefer...
Anyways thanks for downloading my map!
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Tig Rep. 2472
#4   07 Apr 2008
@Anonymous: Best thing to do is make a temp folder and move all your PK3 files to this temp folder except for the official Q3A ones (pakX.pk3) and this one.

If the problem is still there, the issue is with your video drivers (at a guess).

If the problem has gone, then add back the PK3s from the temp folder a few at a time until you find the one that has the damaged shader.

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spirit Rep. 741
#3   07 Apr 2008
Hard to tell. The shader could be part of any of the pk3 files (read: maps) that are read by q3a after the pk3 of this map (it reads them in alphabetic order if I'm not mistaken).

Simply moving all custom pk3 files to a temporary folder should solve the problem (the plants work for me).
Edited: 07 Apr 2008 AEST

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Anonymous unregistered
#2   07 Apr 2008
Nice map, except here I see the black alpha channel around the leaves on all plants. Could someone give me an idea what shader I have in baseq3 that could be causing this?
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spirit Rep. 741
#1   28 Mar 2008
An interesting and "different" map. Played the beta some time ago and liked it, so I grabbed this one. It's a huge map with a unique flair. It has lots of open space, so better get that RG fast.

Well done.

Btw: for some strange reason, I'm missing the water texture used for that pool (liquids/pool3d_5b.tga used in shader liquids/clear_ripple2) though I'm quite sure I know that texture (mapmedia.pk3?).

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