Name: Sunset Isle
Bsp name: casablanca
Bot support: yes
Mapper: Viet Nguyen (Scourge)
Email: **email removed**
This was intended to be a tropical/middle eastern themed map.
I was kinda inspired by the "Casa Blanca" seen in the game:
Dreamfall: the longest journey and i got started from there.
Since i couldn't really find time mapping nowadays (although
i've only been mapping for 2 years, but played Quake since '00)
I've decided not to make custom textures/ models but to use
premade ones on the net.
Supported gametype: ffa, tourney, team dm(you have to access via console)
Just ut the map-casablanca.pk3 into your Quake 3 dir/baseq3
Thanks to
Mr Todd Gantzler for the pretty plant models (this map couldn't be made without it) found at www.katsbits.com/h...aps/kat1024.htm
Berneyboy for the cool photorealistic texs found at **invalid URL**
Amethyst7 for the DESERt skybox found at **invalid URL**