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#13 03 Sep 2010
spirit, this map is used by OpenArena team, but they looked not good. Their replace with OA GPL textures and renamed to oa_spirit3.
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Yeah, I gave it a try. Haven't played the map in ages. It doesn't look good but the gameplay ain't that bad.
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#11 02 Sep 2010
spirit, OpenArena uses this map, the mapname is oa_spirit3.
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Hm, I didn't know OA uses this map. But since the map file is released under the GPL and they replaced the textures there is nothing wrong with that of course.
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#9 01 Sep 2010
Tig, I know I use cl_avidemo to any number will stack the tga image.
To play a demo then change to .avi file, I use Fraps instead.
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Tig Rep. 2422
#8 31 Aug 2010
@lol: Personally, if limited to the default Q3A engine, I would use 'cl_avidemo 25 ; demo demoname', then compile the frame stack images into a vid. The quality of the vid would be perfect, the sound would be a bit of a hassle however.
Still, use IOQuake3 and you have no issues :]
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#7 31 Aug 2010
Tig, if you want original Quake 3, use Fraps to record the demo.
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#6 31 Aug 2010
Tig, only ioQuake3 can record a demo and change the demo video to .avi file.
avi files can saved in:
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Application Data\Quake3\videos
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#5 31 Jan 2009
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Tig Rep. 2422
#4 21 Nov 2007
@Rome: ioquake3 ->
ioquake3.org/ You record a demo, then dump the demo to avi format. More info on the ioquake3 site.
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What di you use to record your self and convert it to MOV file? like to make a few map vids my self
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Just wanted to say thanks to v1|3 and tig for the review and video! And to the other spirit for playing it, of course!
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Spirit (the q1 one)
#1 07 Nov 2007
I grabbed this map at the weekend when I looked for custom ctf maps and played it a lot with bots then. I really like the layout, especially in the respective flagrooms.
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