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I downloaded this map a few mins ago in map-factory.org. This map is great and it really does give a dark look to the map. I love the environment and the Gameplay is good. 8.5/10
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thanks for pointing this map out FistMarine. What we have here is a pure exercise in creativity. it has not been crafted with gameplay in mind. The reviewer notes that items have not been placed with game play in mind. This is obviously because they are being placed with aesthetics in mind. Symetry and order were the apex of beauty for visionaries such as Leonardo Da Vicini. A clue to the authors real intentions are hinted at when the reviewer notes that the author shows a high level of technical skill with editor and graphics. In this respect to mapping i would have to say that Donkey's maps are probably the most exemplar. Items have been placed with this in mind and in this respect most people have probably missed the point. This is a map born of creative expression. However there are mappers and maps that have achieved both creativity and playablility. AmonGod would have either been frustrated or laughing by its reception. In this respect i think your scoring is quite fair.
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But again, good atmosphere.
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Not much gameplay here. 6/10
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interesting idea although...
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Амон Амонович
#5 04 Jul 2007
да, я хакер, через сутки твой винт форматнецц0
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Александр Николаевич
#4 03 Jul 2007
Что вы?
В мой компьютер попал вирус! ;-p
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why post a buggy map like this? had to restar twice cuz of it
If this map gets a proper version released, it be nice to have a rocket, looks like a map usefull for mods, not normal quake.
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good map! Ну вообщем ты уже знаешь моё мнение =)
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Amon Amonovich
#1 01 Jul 2007
АААААР!!! МАЛАЦЦЫ!! Порадовали дедушку на старости лет
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