prejudice by spirit
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spirit Rep. 715
#8   18 Jan 2011
It's old, rather ugly and a technical nightmare but it's fun in cpm 2vs2 with bots. I still play it once in a while.
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#7   23 Nov 2010
One of the best maps I've ever played!
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Rome Rep. 21
#6   13 Dec 2006
ok cool, will try the new version out
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spirit Rep. 715
#5   12 Dec 2006
Thanks for the review and your opinions on the map.

Just wanted to tell you that an improved version of the map is available. It removes some of the things people were complaining about (here and elsewhere) and also fixes some smaller issues with the map. Major changes :

  • replaced YA/bridge with RA
  • removed 2nd RG (@bridge)
  • added teleporter from castle front to MH jumppad
  • shielded RG room from small yard by rebuilding wall
  • some ramps for cpm-physics jumps added
  • less weapons in tourney mode : -2 SG, -1RG
  • changed weapons in TDM mode : -1RG, +1PG
(A complete list of changes is available in the readme that can be found on my website.)

The filename has been changed to avoid confusion and comply to the standards.

You can get the map from my website at or use this direct link :

Hope you like the new version.

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Rome Rep. 21
#4   28 Nov 2006
hmmm didn´t notice that, i´l have2 check it out :)
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Anonymous unregistered
#3   26 Nov 2006
There are some block placed on the left of the tunnel that give you ability to go to MH without have to RJ ;)
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Anonymous unregistered
#2   26 Nov 2006
Some areas are too wide, other too narrow. nice lookaround for map edges well textyred. 7/10
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J2KoOl63 Rep. 100
#1   26 Nov 2006
I really love the whole feel you get in this map. Seems like an old medieval torture sight of some sort that has crumbled away or "forgotten evil ruins" as described in the readme. Then all the boxes and base textures represents a group trying to rebuild it. I love maps that get you thinking.

I noticed one side of the map gets more action than another if too many bots are added. 1on1, though, is awesome! Since you can have a railgun and snipe through the broken walls or do a variety of other stunts.

I enjoy all the twists and turns this map takes and even for its size, is fun to explore.

Good job!


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