Processor by Pasquake
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FragTastic Rep. 2467
#16   11 Mar 2012
Edit: I tested this map and I only had the time now to comment about the issues I have had with this map. Bots seem to be stuck in one place and do not budge from their spawn spot. Also some missing textures and when players die, They spawn on the same spot each time. Fix please!
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Kyall Rep. 477
#15   11 Mar 2012
I found this map quite interesting. The idea of a Tron-styled map is very good. All the see through walls make you confused and not sure where to go, but this is good because it adds more mystery to the map. Bots aren't the best idea for playing this map, unless you have 12 or more, in which case you will need an above-average machine to run. I'm not sure how many spawn points are on this map, but I noticed a lot of the bots spawning in just the once spot over and over again when they get killed. Very fun to play with 8 or more human players, because at first they can get as disoriented as everyone else, and this can lead to some amusing results. The textures on this map are excellent. Definitely a keeper! 9/10.
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FragTastic Rep. 2467
#14   19 Feb 2012
A very bright map which is very enjoyable at every angle. It's actually not bad and it's quite fun with Instagib. 9.5/10.
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KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2518
#13   25 Jan 2012
The levelshot is not easy on the eyes, by any means. X_X

However, the level was fun. Except the bots get lost so easily. :/

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gooball Rep. 1161
#12   18 Oct 2010
????????? it are awesome
Edited: 18 Oct 2010 AEST
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PaN61 Rep. 503
#11   15 Nov 2009
Textures look cool, looks interesting and unique.


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Cendres Rep. 0
#10   10 Dec 2006
Maybe the bots get too much informations at the same time, I don't know. But the experimentation is interesting, I liked the colors, atmosphere and stuff.
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Pasquake Rep. 110
#9   08 Dec 2006
i know, is a problem that i've never fixed. as i said is an "experiment" this kind of maps. i'm trying to make 'em fully working. Actually with no results :S
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Cendres Rep. 0
#8   07 Dec 2006
I like the "tron-like" atmosphere, although it took me a while to see where the hell I am. Interesting theme and architecture...seeing through the walls can be can I reach this item I'm seeing? is a "frequently asked question", if you see what I mean.
Bad point: the bots acted like morons when playnig at low difficulty levels (like "bring it on" or "hurt me plenty"). They were confused, unable to move through the map, only waiting to get fragged. Slash and the others often wait for something, without moving, in stairs, rooms corners, and so on. They only moved when I shot them...weird. I'll keep this one, for the look and atmosphere, and for the "hardcore and nightmare" levels.
Agree (0) or Disagree (0) unregistered
#7   11 Jul 2006
the map is interesting but very confusing... but I like the idea... in fact I wanted to make a similar map some times ago...

only really bad thing is the bot "support"... the UI totally fails here...

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Pasquake Rep. 110
#6   30 Jun 2006
Yes, I compiled it with FSV but nothin changed :S
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Takkie Rep. 1868
#5   16 Jun 2006

Odd map... weird to walk around in.
and indeed original.

little comment about the bots...
Did you compile aas with -forcesidesvisible ?
This may do the trick! (it did it for me)

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Pasquake Rep. 110
#4   15 Jun 2006
mmh i don't know why... compiling with q3map bots works good. using q3map2 they not... i don't know...
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J2KoOl63 Rep. 100
#3   14 Jun 2006
Interesting map, too bad the bots don't play good and the gameplay is out of whack.

If you can make a map that would have an awesome look and gameplay, it would be gold.

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Pasquake Rep. 110
#2   27 May 2006
that's my first work with the tron_style maps ^_^
derazor arena camed after this map. In it prefered to put a "black layer" between high and low level or view was impossible... eye-broker like ^^
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5ouL unregistered
#1   27 May 2006
... t's like being lost and found at the same time ...

looks like some map for defrag, but maybe after playing it you will delete the defrag mod from your machine forever ... ,o))))))))))

yeah, funny stuff, would be great to PLAY a QUAKE3ARENAMAP from him ,o)

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