Q3Deck by kinetix
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leilei Rep. 443
#11   05 Mar 2014
Wish this were Deck16 and not Deck17. I always hated the "hot neighbor" as described in UT2004.
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KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2518
#10   29 Jul 2012
This map reminds me of the time I played MOH with a friend over 5 years ago.

Ah. Good times :D

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FragTastic Rep. 2467
#9   05 Jan 2012
Haha! Finally the map i have been looking for a while now. And i have finally found it :). Excellent map 10/10
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v1l3 Rep. 1541
#8   11 May 2006
It is the best conversion of the Deck16 for q3 though definitely. Kinda makes me wish that someone would finish up that UT for Q3 mod that was released all undone years back.
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kixu Rep. 10
#7   10 May 2006
I do not plan to make any more updates on this map, some backwards textures on crates are not so big thing to make another version nor patch. Nothing is flawless ;)

Tig, thanks for update.

to all players, have fun!

Edited: 10.May.2006 17:26 UTC

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Tig Rep. 2472
#6   10 May 2006
The download has been updated to the final version. There is no need for a second review. This is something I should have picked up on sooner and corrected before now.
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v1l3 Rep. 1541
#5   10 May 2006

Editing, and creating another .pk3 file that sits behind your map.pk3, makes it compatible, it just makes a client have to download the .pk3 i made. Your other map version that you submitted has them backwards also.

Like doNKEY mentioned...gotta get a beta tester before you submit anything..it helps.

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Rome Rep. 21
#4   08 May 2006
nice to see that someone finaly converted this map to q3
i got the updated version from the map queue and i have to say i enjoyed this map keeping in mind how mutch the auther respected the original. its hard to make everyone happy when your convert a map from some other game. at first i thought the map might need some mg ammo, but no, theres plenty of weapons. some even get a bit ignored, like the gl and the 2 sg. bots play fine and they dont go for the bfg, which is good. I personaly would of replaced the bfg with a mh.
hope to see this map on some servers & thanx for making it so i could get good fps on this oldschool grafic card =)
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dONKEY Rep. 180
#3   08 May 2006
There seems to be a theme of folks submitting what are in effect beta levels to the finals list. This makes it really hard for folks to review stuff. Why not use the beta section and only post finished levels to the final map queue?:)
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kixu Rep. 10
#2   07 May 2006
Hi, I'm glad to se my map is finaly reviewed and yes it is my first map for quake3 but i worked with radiant before on other games. Q3 sems to be nice game and beather than q4. As most of you already know you can play only one fps as a pro. My choice was UT2k4. Don't have much xp in Q3, so recently, I become aware of maps flaw in dimensions. I tryed to make map more accurate to original ut map but it turned out that it is simply too big for q3. I did not do much, but there was FINAL release of this map in queue before this map was reviewed.
Altering dimensions is slow and difficult work and takes much time witch i don't have any more.
There is just not much that i can do atm but here is what i can:

there is q3deck_FINAL version in map queue:

-Few cliping fixes
-Added some details
-Atered dimensions of some areas
-Some texture changes
-Added 6 small healths betwen rail and shotgun

And btw v1l3 don't you think that editing textures will make your map incompactable. Go see the FINAL release in map queue see if i fixed those crates, cause i cant remember doing so, and I don't have radiant instaled any more.

Edited: 07.May.2006 13:52 UTC

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v1l3 Rep. 1541
#1   05 May 2006
It has alot of backward textures on the crates, that I had to turn around with my Irfanview to get them to look right..
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