exit the Fa[tory
exit the Fa[tory by the_nookie
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FragTastic Rep. 2351
#11   15 Jan 2012
Incredible!. 10/10
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nook Rep. 20
#10   10 Dec 2008
Zihaben загляни сюда 8)
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Zihaben unregistered
#9   03 Sep 2008
мирный атом на службе родины
Крейсер аврора? =)
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nook Rep. 20
#8   18 Jun 2007

This is one helluva cool map. Reminds me of some sort of evil parking garage.

me too :)

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Terminus Est unregistered
#7   04 Oct 2006
This is one helluva cool map. Reminds me of some sort of evil parking garage.
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nook Rep. 20
#6   26 Mar 2006
From review: "This is a map which a real estate agent might describe as having light grey concrete texturing, slightly foxed, with stripe feature"

I still cant get what's the stripe feature??

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R.P.G. unregistered
#5   24 Mar 2006
Very cool looking map.
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v1l3 Rep. 1545
#4   28 Feb 2006
The viewcam-nook3dm2.cfg (for Osp mod) has terrible coverage. Their nice shots but they just aren't catching everything. Nice to see someone adding one for once though.
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nook Rep. 20
#3   27 Feb 2006
tnx Anwulf much^2 fair review. To all You've said
plus bots dont pick up MH (they just cant jump it on, Yall can see it in shot)
plus there's caulked face in RA area
that's all bugs I've found

I rate it 8 cuz I know what is gonna be the dm2pro (it's ready and it's hot :)

that bridge has being used for spawn of Invis in old betas, but from balance view Invis has gone, and bridge has left, 'let it be'
with teleporter in it bots can get RA, they do it .. sometimes ;)

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bluemonkey Rep. 40
#2   27 Feb 2006

Definitely the best of today's maps. Love the way it plays and the visual style - the little Russian style touches make it very unique. Loved the hidden areas too :). Does a power up appear on that bridge outside at all? I didn't see one myself but was wondering if the bots grabbed it as they do appear to use the hidden passages.

I'll definitely be keeping this one. I love the light and aery aesthetic very much and I think the people I play lans with will too :).

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Greek*Tartarus unregistered
#1   27 Feb 2006
Very nice map! Great looks, smooth gameplay and right size for big matches. I will keep it in my collection for sure!
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