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It kind of looks like similar textures to 'Marilyn By Rota'.
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#22 08 Oct 2006
@ vcxzet : I've only just spotted your request and yes, you should have all the files you need in the pack to do a port over.
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#21 29 Jul 2006
cool map can I port it to tremulous
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Decent map. Small for my tastes, but a very impressive look. If you can combine this look into a larger map with better item placement, I'm sure it would rock.
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#19 11 Apr 2006
Bleh, I meant personal 'preference' rather than 'opinion'.. obviously you're stating an 'opinion' rolleyes@self
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#18 11 Apr 2006
As long as it's clear you're stating a personal opinion and not a technical qualification - which is how your original statement came across ;o)
We've become accustomed to the 'Q3' or 'UT' look because of the length of time that's passed and the simple fact that the editing technology dictates the visuals; in many respects Radiant and it's ilk hold back the more 'creative' approach to level design, beyond simplistic shapes, because it doesn't technically allow for it.
I mean when you take into consideration all the comments that were voiced at how 'simple' Doom 3 and Quake 4 looked when they came out (irrespective of rendering limitation/optimisations) you can understand one of the many reasons why there aren't as many developers using the D3 engine.
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what I meant was, brush based terrain feels alot better than model based terrain. You can always tell when something is made from brushes, or if its just a model. Personally I cant stand maps made from static meshes (UT2004) they make the map feel so plastic, not to mention theres no bullet marks on any surfaces. but dont take my comments the wrong way. Thats simply my opinion. The map is nice, but to me it doesnt feel like a quake 3 map. It has that icky plastic feeling that UT2004 has.
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UT 2003 and 2004 are very good games so saying a map looks a lot like one from an engine 4 years newer is quite a complement.
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#15 05 Apr 2006
@ Andeh : Sorry, nope, you can't. The mechanics of the QeRadiant and latterly GTKRadiant editors don't allow this sort of controlled shaping of brushwork in tight confines. You're welcome to try or show otherwise to backup your opinion though.
As for the map looking like UT, so what?! shrugs I'd actually consider that a compliment because UT terrains are far more interesting than the persistent undulating 'boobs' we're subjected to as Quake 3 fans, imho.
Fair Dinkoms if you prefer brushbased terrains, i've no problems with that. As dONKEY said though, models and brushwork both get spat out the other end as the same thing... polygons; the engine doesn't care what the polygon was before it was compiled to BSP; it only cares about the data relative to it's rendering.
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hmm, bsp=compiled .map file, whether it contains brushes or supported model types (in this case .ase). If you mean you prefer brush based terrain, than that's fine; dont get confused though all Q3 maps are compiled as .bsp
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interesting level, but the whole map being a "model" so to speak, really doesnt set well with me im afraid, quake 3 is more than capable of producing terrain based maps with the use of bsp, and looks alot better in my opinion. If this map was made the traditional way, It would have been alot better. Still a very nice map concept, but the way its put together puts me off so much, it feels like UT2004 and that is BAD!
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#12 29 Mar 2006
Ah, thought so. ;o)
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Yep, simply stating that shipped assets can not be used crossed games - thats all. Your post below could have been read two ways and I just wanted to make sure people understood that :]
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#10 28 Mar 2006
@ Tig : eh? Tig the textures mentioned are actually all my own work and have nothing to do with assets that ship with the game - in fact I tend to discourage that kind of thing myself - so I'm not sure where you got the impression that original asset distribution was going on!?
I only ever make my own stuff. Never been much of a 'hack and slash' content author.
Unless you were just saying that so people were aware not to do that (cross distrbute original assets).
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Yeah it was user made. It was pretty interesting actually as it really showed off how much more impressive the lighting and shader effects were in Q3 compared to UT. It finally managed to convince some of my friends that graphically the Q3 engine was superior.
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Tig Rep. 2452
#8 27 Mar 2006
(I'm guessing this was a user made level) Yes, it would have been illegal and if id Software had seen it they would have asked for the textures to be removed.
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But what about that Unreal Tournament level that used Quake 3 textures? Was that illegal then?
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Tig Rep. 2452
#6 27 Mar 2006
Be aware that D3 and Q4 textures are copyrighted to id Software and can not be used (in full or in part) across games.
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#5 27 Mar 2006
Thank ye. I've got a fair few D3/Q4 textures in the works for the next Quake 4 map spo hopefully once that's done I'll release them to the winds!
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#4 24 Mar 2006
Just stopped by to say thanks Kat for the best rock textures around. I have used a couple in my latest map as well. I am dl the map now but i know i will like it as i enjoy inner sanctum and midnight very much. You got great talent Kat and good to see your still a Quake 3 fan and mapper!
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#3 02 Mar 2006
'bad texturing'...er, the point of the level was the use of .ase models and alphaMod texture blending. Perfect texture alignment on UVW mapped models is almost impossible, and as such Kat has actually done a very sound job indeed. The map demonstrates the possibilities available in good old fashioned Q3, rather than being an out and out competition map. It should be seen in the same light as Chartres or other 'stand alone' levels.
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#2 02 Mar 2006
not much detailing and bad texturing
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Yeah the review sums it up. Great visuals and great layout but seriously flawed item placement.
Could be so much better with a better weapon spread. Really kind of a shame that this couldn't have been foreseen.
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