Reservoir Dog
Reservoir Dog by Dizzy
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KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2488
#17   27 Oct 2012
Wow. I have never seen this one before. Reminded me of some COD4 gameplay from years ago...
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FragTastic Rep. 2459
#16   27 Oct 2012
This map reminds me of those prisons in films. It looks very similar to the film I watched but forgot what it's called. Anyways I played the map and it was Average. I didn't like the Ambiance of the map although I did find the Skybox really effective to the Environment of the map. Not Bad but you just need to polish things up! 5.5/10
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Dutch unregistered
#15   25 Mar 2000
I really liked this level.I don't know about anyone else, but a change from the gothic is refreshing. The blue is nice.Keep up the good work Dizzy.
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dizzy unregistered
#14   22 Mar 2000
SiCdeth, which +10 health and armor room are you refering too? I don't think I have a room that doesn't lead to another area...
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SiCdeth unregistered
#13   22 Mar 2000
whoops i forgot to include in my review that the +10 health and armor room is totally useless! i think a powerup might have been better, but to run into the room have to go on each side and then back out is a waste of time for just an extra 10 health and armor
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anti unregistered
#12   21 Mar 2000
I think you misunderstood me Octovus. First of all i DO like q3 better than ut. Second of all i think both games suck compared to qw :) Yes i am one of those people that refuses to let qw go, and still play it daily. But im not responding to start an argument over which game is best, but just to clarify what i meant. Basically all i was trying to show when i made that statement is that people have obviously developed opinions in regards to ut and q3. Some decided that q3 is better, some decided that ut is. But practically none of them can code(make) a game such as q3/ut. Therefore according to prominent thinkers such as Savatage you shouldnt be able to make opinions on which game is better (and god forbid state them publicly). Obviously he is in error :)
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Octovus unregistered
#11   20 Mar 2000
Right Jim, that is absolutely what you should do when reviewing maps and something I only do half the time myself. (Not to sound like I'm preaching or anything) =0 BTW Halflife is a great game, just IMHO it can't really compare to Quake 3 for mutltiplayer gaming, which once again IMO is the way to play. Anywho, with regards to Savatage...interesting that you forgot to review the map in either of your first to posts. =) I haven't seen many reviews from Jim (either that or I just don't remember them, sorry) but unless he just types exactly what's in the review section word-for-word what does it matter? What if Jim does agree with Tig on most things about some maps? And finally with regards to anti: Bang on as to the "don't review maps if you don't make them" bullshit...WTF do these people think? And also well um if you're saying you like UT better than Q3 (and believe me that is what it sounds like) frankly UT sucks ass compared to Q3, though I don't want to start a debate or anything. And I ask this of you anti...."Why do you play it instead of ut, I doubt you coded it either" First of all no question mark (heheh j/k =0 ) and secondly fine um but how many people have? You could say enough but it still wouldn't be the majority which would make your point null IMHO. Well that's just my thoughts though....argue on if you dare! =)

Happy Fraggin! Octovus

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anti unregistered
#10   20 Mar 2000
LAF is the short version of my reply to Savatage. The long version goes something like this: First of all i have been reading the reviews on this site ever since the first map was posted and i have found Jim's reviews to be quite good. Second, there are no other reviewers for this site besides tig, but i suppose you already knew that since you are so keen and informed. Third, tig has probably released more maps for quake than years you have been alive and one map for q3. Once again you should have known this since his q3 map was the 8th map reviewed on this site, but im sure you are testing us just to see if we knew huh? Finally for the most important point i feel the need to make. If i read one more implication or statement that you need to have the ability to make good maps to write good reviews i think i may get sick. Do any of the numerous fools that have made this statement realize how ignorant you are sounding?!? I suppose ,assuming you arent hypocrites, that you dont have opinions on much of anything. I hope you dont have an opinion on cars, afterall you cant make one. What about your entertainment center, hmm i guess you have no idea what makes a good set of speakers since you cant make speakers. And the computer you play q3 on and typed that brilliant message in on? What about the game q3 itself? Why do you play it instead of ut, i doubt you coded either. Well i could go on practically forever but i think i have made myself clear.
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Savatage unregistered
#9   20 Mar 2000
Oh the way..i liked this map... guess i explored a little more rather than thinking to myself.
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Savatage unregistered
#8   20 Mar 2000
Well ..i've read your other so-called reviews ..and you mostly..90%..say what Tig says ..ha. And if this site likes the do you.. if don't either. You should explore a little more... maybe you would have found that other elevator shaft :).I don't think anyone cares about your map review procedures...since your predictable. Use your own mind dude. BTW ..I play q2, q3, UT, halflife... so whats your point?
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Jim unregistered
#7   20 Mar 2000
For those who care here is my map-review procedure:

  1. check the front page of this site for new maps.
  1. if new maps, I click the screenshot to get a quick view while I download the map.
  1. I then load the maps up in Q3 without reading the readme's unless I can't seem to find how to load the map.
  1. I run the maps in singleplayer mode, without bots, and run around for a few minutes (usually about 10 mins per map) looking at the architecture, and general layout of the map. If i like what I see, I throw in a few bots and play for a few minutes.
  1. I come back here, and give it a rank of 0-10, write up my review, then proceed to read other reviews, including Tig's. NOTE that I do NOT read what other people have said about the map, nor do I look at the rank of the map until I have placed my reveiw. I try to write my reviews as constructively as possible, writing what I thought of the map, what I liked/didn't like and why, rather than just "this map sucks/rocks/whatever). This way I come here with a clean and unbiased opinion before reviewing. I only read reviews before playing a map if I choose not to download a map and want to see what others have said about it.
  1. Here's a step I don't do as often as I should- delete the maps I didn't care for (ie, ranked less than 7) off my HD and make note of those I liked and try to find them on multiplayer servers.

To Octovus- true, I didn't play the map much, but I played it long enough to know that I didn't really care for what I saw- and I said that plat was useless because I could only see the +5 armors up thru the grating and there doesn't appear to be anything on the end of that plat in the screenshot- although I did think that while I was "playing" this map that it would have been a prime spot for the RG or RL.

and to this Savatage guy, it seems he doesn't read a lot of the map reviews I have written or else he wouldn't have said what he did. Why do you think I just say what the ownder says in different words- because I said the area in the screenshot looked like half-life? Maybe because both Tig and myself have played half-life and recognize that style and atmosphere right away when seen in a Q3map. I didn't know what Tig had written until after I wrote mine, and thought it good to see another HL player in here because many Q3 players I've come across are the "Quake rules all other games suck" variety. If you don't want to listen to what I say in my map reviews than you don't have to. I don't listen to what others say as I have said above, I dl the map regardless of what is writtin ont he review page because I don't even load it until after I play the map.

If you ask me, the reviews is what makes this site great- at least the people who have something worthwhile to say than to bitch and whine about things all the time.

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Savatage unregistered
#6   20 Mar 2000
Well ..i've beening reading the reviews for awhile.. and it seems this Jim guy doesn't play alot of the maps or just says what the site owner says in different words. Wouldn't put much in what Jim boy says.

Does Tig or the reviewers for this site have any maps they've done? I'd like to see them.

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Octovus unregistered
#5   19 Mar 2000
Well um Jim you obviously didn't play this map much or you are one of the few guys out there who wouldn't like to be using a RG as that is what is up on the useless long platform. Anywho I quite liked it, seems to me, kill me for it, but as if Tig has got his reviews muddled for Reservoir Dogs and Willpower. Not aesthetics wise, but as far as gameplay is concerned. I liked just about everything, the RG platform was of course campers heaven but the Quad was plenty far away from it and the elevator wasn't that easy to guard when you are busy picking off the little mortals below. Gets a 8 from me, best score I've given a map so far 2day. =)

Happy Fraggin! Octovus

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Mandog unregistered
#4   19 Mar 2000
Jim at the end of the pipe there are two elevator shafts next to each other - the one on the left takes you up to where the railgun is - you obviously found the one on the right : )
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SiCdeth unregistered
#3   19 Mar 2000
i thought this map was very good as far as design it was very well detailed, but the stairs where to narrow and that hidden 25 health behind the crates didnt need to be there, i especially loved the quad area the first thing that came out of my mouth was "oh shit!" i thought it was cool how u made them pay for going after the quad although it was easy to get it while only taking one hit, and the 5 healths around it didnt need to be there either, and the railgun was a good idea that didnt work that well i tryed to see if it was a good camping spot but soon realized it was to little to protect me from the oncoming rockets! anyway it was designed well with nice visuals but gameplay lacked.


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Jim unregistered
#2   19 Mar 2000
At first this map reminded me of something from half-life, but as I explored it a little more, I realized that I would have much rather have been playing half-life- the area in the screenshot is the only area worth looking at, and it is done farily well. The rest of the architecture is overwhelmingly simple- just see the stacked rooms connected by blocky stairs. Many areas of the map had no reason for being, like the rooms I just mentioned- there are crates you can climb, but with nothing there to go after. I also wandered down 2 long, dark, and narrow corridors picking up a few +5 armors, just to find that the end lead to an elevator shaft that kills you when you jump down into it. I guess its the same with that long platform that extends out in the screenshot- which I could not find how to get to- just a few armors up there, but nothing worth going up there for. And many of the walkways were too narrow. This map just doesn't have anything going for it.
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menace unregistered
#1   19 Mar 2000
interesting map

i did find the different atmosphere somewhat refreshing. while it has an unconventional layout and not quite the flow of some other good maps, I still found it fun to play, and you can wrack up the frags quickly on this one. Not bad at all, though i don't know how it will stand up to the test of time.

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