hellrazor by ROODOG
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Hooyaah Rep. 607
#5   14 Jun 2009
Hey, Roodoog. Unfortunately my current internet connection is dial up. I live so far out in the sticks here in Texas that I am lucky to have electricity. I am going to work on getting a satellite because online gameplay is, no doubt, way better than playing bots. Although, I see that you have had some fun fraggin the little blokes yourself. I tried to email you a while back, probably to an old address. I sent you a message, also, within the Quake3 Global Dedication that you worked on. Drop me a line. My contact info is there. Frag on mate!
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ROODOG unregistered
#4   13 Jun 2009
Thanks Hooyaah I just loaded this arena with some comic high skilled bots I made and who says bots can't fight underwater lol.I forgot how much I enjoyed the water tunnels:) Perhaps I could see if Freak could run a reasonable listen server for a bit of fun. If you use steam look for ROODOG HellHound and add me as a friend.It has built in chat that can be used in or out of game.Plus buy killing floor for $20 and join the frenzied coop killing lol.Love to have a few q3 frags one day so I'll chech with Freaky
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Hooyaah Rep. 607
#3   13 Jun 2009
No worries mate. You did more for the game than you realize, Thanks.
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ROODOG unregistered
#2   13 Jun 2009
Just picking myself up off the floor :P A comment after all these years :) Well as mentioned above Freak is a m8 of mine who used to show up on the Oz servers and totlly own me as he is one of the best players in the world imo. The funny thing about me is not being the best player is fine and you can own me and I never rage out as it is all about having fun.After q3 started slowing down a bit freak played freeze and i sort of drifted away to discover other games like battlefield vietnam where i could come 1st place more often.Still to win is cool but for me the fun factor is what I go for.Finally after 2 or 3 years I have caught up with me ole m8 again in the highly addictive killing floor and left for dead.Can't stop playing killing floor lol but when i reflect it is quake 3 that i cut my teeth on when i first got into pc gaming at a very late age.This game did and does rock and I miss the large crowds on the vanilla q3 servers.Your comments have made me play it again after some hiatus so thanks for your input :)
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Hooyaah Rep. 607
#1   08 Jun 2009
I don't know why anyone other than the honorable Freak reviewed this map. Maybe they couldn't tear themselves away from it. This is one of my favorite maps by our Aussie mate ROODOG. There is no problem with bots at all. They cover the map well and pick up any goodies in their path; they don't stop to camp either, not that it's really a problem, I just prefer a campsite for them to dawdle in personally. There are lots of Easter eggs, including a hidden + armor pool and a health boost pool. There is fun to be had if you like swimming and underwater battles; I love it! There is a smattering of Indian sculpture adorning the walls here and there and it has a definite, but appealingly different dungeon feel. It's large too so it takes a while for one to get their bearings. I wish that it had an Indian music file and/or ambient sounds, but they aren't such a necessity, just a crave. I give it high marks 9.5 out of ten. My reccommendation is make it a permanent home in your baseq3 and enjoy its' fragalicious goodness.
Edited: 09 Jun 2009 AEST
Edited: 13 Jun 2009 AEST
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