Junk Data
by Bal
Junk Data by Bal
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Tig Rep. 1742
#14   01 Mar 2012
@RedOne (and anyone else): Check the update message on the review. As of today, thanks to Incognito, you can now play bots on this map.
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RedOne Rep. 97
#13   02 Nov 2010
Awesome looking map. Unfortunately i cannot play it with humans and bots are terrible at this map. So, i didnt voted, as i cant really play it.
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spirit Rep. 715
#12   06 Oct 2007
Yeah, I really enjoyed this one, too. Keeper!
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CF13 unregistered
#11   06 Oct 2007
Hey. That's not a bad map you made there! I have had great fun playing it!
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dOOd unregistered
#10   22 Oct 2005
best. map. EVER.
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StormShadow Rep. 10
#9   09 Aug 2005
it doesnt add that much.. certainly worthwhile to add it

awesome map btw.. of course I would expect no less from bal :)

fun as hell.. great, fast layout.. i love it

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the nookie unregistered
#8   31 Jul 2005
(just hint, Yall probably know it) -forcesidesvisible will add some size to pak
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sumatra unregistered
#7   28 Jul 2005
Nice map!

-forcesidesvisible should solve the issue with your bots.
Just run your bspc with this value and your bots should at least walk around the map and pick up weapons.


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PrezzoX unregistered
#6   27 Jul 2005
You heard the man, folks.
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misantropia unregistered
#5   20 Jul 2005
Excellent map with a good flow and solid item layout. Tons of fun in CPMA as well. Recommended!
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Bal unregistered
#4   20 Jul 2005
EZtiger, Thank you very much. =)

PrezzoX, yeah I know the bots just don't like the map, and I'm not so good at tweaking around with this stuff and couldn't really figure out how to improve it. =\ Then again, the .map file is in the .pk3, so anyone is welcome to try and do a better job with the bots than me. =)
Thanks again. ;)

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PrezzoX unregistered
#3   16 Jul 2005
No probs, but I hope you noticed the !hint ;)
This would rock to play offline as well.
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EZtigER unregistered
#2   16 Jul 2005
Your input over the years has been incredible, you sure have given me and my sons some great fun on the LAN over the years with your maps. Sad to see another one bow out but like all good things they always come to and end. Nice map anyway. Gone but not forgotten..... Best of luck for the future........
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Bal unregistered
#1   15 Jul 2005
Thanks for the review PrezzoX! =)
I'm happy you seemed to have enjoyed it.
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