Junk Data
by Bal

* General Information *

Title : Junk Data aka "soon"
BSP Name : bal3dm5.bsp
Author : Benoit Stordeur, aka Bal
Release Date : January 30, 2005 (this map was finished in 2002, just never released before now)
Email Address : **email removed**
Home Page : **invalid URL**
Game : Quake 3 arena DM

Description : Well, here it finaly is, the map I've been sitting on for the last 3 or 4
years... =) Prepare to be dissapointed.
Guess this map isn't so great considering todays standards? (Can't really tell,
haven't been playing new custom maps much these last few years... -____-).
I decided to release it anyways, as some kind of final note for my mapping
career, as I doubt I'll ever map anymore, especially for quake 3 anyways.
I've included the .map file in the zip, feel free to do anything you want
with it, just give me some credit if you use it.

Special Thanks: This map is dedicated to all the people who bothered me to release it these
last few years, yeah, even all those who didn't actually care and just wanted
to annoy me with something... =D
But most of all, this map is dedicated to all the great people I've come into
contact with thanks to quake ever since 1998, and to the help and fun they've
brought to my life.
I can't name them all here, as the list would be much too long, but I'm sure
most of you know who you are, thanks a bunch guys! =)

Thanks to : Rorshach for his textures (**invalid URL**).
Sock for a few light textures (**invalid URL**).
Dark Jedi for his awesome skybox (doh, I can't seem to find his site anymore...?)
People in #terrafusion for their help, continual entertainement and general stupidity.

Other works : [Q1dm] Baldm1 - Horror at Red Hook
[Q1dm] Baldm2 - In The Vault
[Q1dm] Baldm3 - Tainted Meat
[Q1dm] Baldm4 - Eternal Life
[Q1dm] Baldm5 - When the Beast Prevails
[Q1dm] Baldm6 - Scrap Metal
[Q1dm] Baldm7 - Black Feathered Wings
[Q1dm] Baldm8 - Dying Embers
[Q1dm] Reinc5 - Somwhere in the Vast
[Q1dm] Balost1 - Carrion Comfort
[Q1dm] Balost2 - Dunno Yet
[Q1sp] Neh2m5 - Dreams Made Flesh
[Q1sp] Neh2m6 - Your Last Cup of Sorrow
[Q3A] Bal3dm1 - Ash Rain
[Q3A] Bal3dm2 - Golconda
[Q3A] Bal3dm3 - Disinformation
[Q3A] Bal3dm4 - Scrap Metal ][
[Q3A] Bal3void1 - Peaceful Holidays in Egypt
[Q3A] Bal3void2 - Malfunctioning Nano-Constructor


* Map Information *

New Textures : Yup, main set is by Rorshach, rest is by Sock and Dark Jedi.
Construction Time : Around 1 week + 3 years before deciding to release it... ;D
Tools used : Q3adiant, GTKradiant, Q3map2, Photoshop CS
Extra Info : Feel free to check the .map file inside the pk3 to know more about the map.


* Copyright / Permissions *

Dont do anything mean or you'll hurt my feelings and I'll probably cry.
All textures and art in this level remain property of their respective owners.
Distribute this map however you want, as long as you're not making any money out of it.
If you paid to get this, you're a sucker.

