POOLSHARK by seremtan
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Anonymous unregistered
#16   5 days ago
Thanks I didn't have a link for it. This very cool Mod can become very addicting to say the least. By the way, maybe you or someone can help me with this, I have been stumped for a very long time on why I can't use the editor in certain maps such as Japanc_ta (Japanese Castles TA) or fi_ctf1m (Flatiron). I get the error "couldn't find spawn point". I've tried going into the bsp and changing a team spawn into "info_player_deathmatch", didn't work. Aside from the latter, I did happen to solve this problem for example with mpteam4 (scornforge)... after saving a edited map in ICE - the map won't load up. Simply go into the ICE folder and find your saved .map, using a text editor, go through and find all the items that have "" and put anything in between such as "123", now you can play your edited map. Also, when editing a CTF map be sure and leave at least one DM "spawn" so you can get back into it. Another thing with CTF, where you place the DM "spawn(s)" is where the teleporter will randomly send you. Lastly, be sure in your config you have... seta ice_autoload "1" AND seta ice_disable "0". Hope this helps those that use ICE. Thanks to the creators of ICE and long live Q3!
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Geniraul Rep. 1856
#15   7 days ago
@Foo :
I think it's 'Item Config Editor'. Here's the only version I have managed to find: drive.google.com/f...nbgx3YL9v3/view

Oh wow, thank you very much!

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Foo Rep. 408
#14   8 days ago
@Geniraul :
Do you happen to have a link to the ICE mod?

I think it's 'Item Config Editor'. Here's the only version I have managed to find: drive.google.com/f...nbgx3YL9v3/view
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Geniraul Rep. 1856
#13   13 days ago
Anonymous :
After giving it a kick with the "ICE" mod

Do you happen to have a link to the ICE mod?

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Anonymous unregistered
#12   14 days ago
I must say this is one great map, outstanding! After giving it a kick with the "ICE" mod (more power-ups, health, armor, guns with more ammo, ect.) man this map is a blast! Thanks for your time and effort!
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raspatan Rep. 4690
#11   17 Nov 2020
Had little faith in this one but, within its kind (rooms and real places), this map is quite cool. I am sure it would made for blast fighting with +20 other human players. Sounds are very nice too, particularly the birds in the garden.

@Megamind In front of the stereo equipment.
Edited 13.6 hours after the original posting.

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megamind Rep. 30
#10   17 Nov 2020
How to find the BFG?
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Tig Rep. 2472
#9   16 Aug 2020
@arjunsuperstar : Most likely a server setting like: sv_maxclients 3

You really should ask a question like this on the forum.

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arjunsuperstar unregistered
#8   13 Aug 2020
On multiplayer I am unable to add more than 3 players. The 4rth player is always unable to connect. Can someone advise me why this could be happening
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bozina69 Rep. 74
#7   07 Feb 2019
I agree with Vortexbeaast. Play Alt Fire - Includes a grapple in alt fire. DO NOT grab and then attempt to use pool sharks own grapple or you are stuck until killed!
We use the Alt Fire grapple to move around a lot in all maps. Makes it easy to get to hard to reach locations as in Citadel Fantasia BFG hidden location.
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vortexbeast Rep. 312
#6   03 Feb 2019
King of the giant room maps with near perfect scale and detail considerations that become more apparent the more you play and explore. There's something for everybody here. Jump pads and teleporters are well placed to create paths that aren't apparent at first but become standard play very quickly. Bots of choice play this one acceptably in hardcore mode. Great "romp" to help break up your playlist a bit with something lighthearted (but not silly or a waste of time).
[added] Meant to say: to really work this map in a multitude of new ways (no kidding) and make it REALLY fun, install the sweet Alternate Fire 2.0 mod and go nuts. www.fileplanet.com...rnate-Fire-v2-0
Edited 2.97 days after the original posting.
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KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2518
#5   22 Jun 2012
I love the atmosphere of this map! Makes me think of summer! :D Then I go into a hallucination of happiness combined with the things I like to do in summer :)

If you leave the building in noclip mode, you can find the skybox somewhere ;)


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cityy Rep. 433
#4   06 May 2009
Check out this:
Go to lvlworld.com/howtoplay - "how to play a map".
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EatThatShrimp007 Rep. -2
#3   06 May 2009
How Do I Play These Maps?
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Heavy unregistered
#2   05 Nov 2004
Awesome map.Finally ay descent quake3 map that applies the Grapple Hook.Well worth the download,is ay keeper.If your like me and love those days in quake2 lithium where,you could hook to just about anywhere,than you will love this map.


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me! unregistered
#1   01 Nov 2004
i always likes these kinds of levels,nice work seremtan!
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