by pjw
Guns by pjw
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bepisman Rep. 148
#14   25 Mar 2020
Looks nice, but i don't play this one much because of the poor gameplay.
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HelterSkeleton Rep. 6415
#13   17 Mar 2020
the review fails to mention this level is optimised for promode play. Amazing layout and game play hindered only by the lack of location entities for teams and clear colour-based marking for the bases - particularly in the lower sewer areas. I understand this might have been seen as ruining the realism but I feel that things like lights, sewer water and the colour of graffiti with arrow tags could have easily overcome this issue. Layout slightly favours the blue team on this one with more complicated routing on this side of the map but the layout encourages use of all areas and routes.
Edited 9.07 minutes after the original posting.
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Brett Brennan Rep. 397
#12   08 Oct 2018
I see a MASTERPIECE in the making. A MUST HAVE for any Quake 3 player!
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CZghost Rep. 1681
#11   06 Oct 2013
The Rocket Launcher on top of the banner catched me :D
I though it was item to pick up :D
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FragTastic Rep. 2351
#10   10 Jul 2012
My first thoughts of the map were brilliant, urban & well wicked but when I played it, it completely changed my opinion. Bot play was absolutely poor and I couldn't even shoot them properly. Although the map has bad Gameplay, the textures are brilliantly brushed and has a very good urban/street theme to it. 6/10.
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051R15 unregistered
#9   12 Jun 2009
Bot play is bad, poor connectivity, textures are a mish-mash.

5/10, but I seem to be in the minority (shrug).

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g0r the only unregistered
#8   13 Sep 2004
Im a big fan of city/urban style maps this one caughtmy attention and reminded me somewhat of quatrix<-- a fav., i really enjoy this map! Make another slightly largerone for our collection here at Team Marlboro Light!
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{DEMO}LITION unregistered
#7   27 Jul 2004
Brilliant map. Nothing more to say really... nothing much I have problems with, and nothing much I'd change in the map if I made it myself.

"pjw recently got himself a gig at Raven. Playing this map, it's not hard to see why."

I second seremtan's words.

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pjw unregistered
#6   25 Jul 2004
Thanks guys. :) It's always nice to know that people are enjoying and playing my maps.
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WiGGiT unregistered
#5   21 Jul 2004
This Man rocks all of his maps are good.
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J2KoOl63 unregistered
#4   16 Jul 2004
Great Work pjw! This map does have a great design and gameplay is excellent too.
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GuitarMan unregistered
#3   11 Jul 2004
You're welcome. :)

I like most of your other maps too, they've got some kind of distinctive feeling.

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pjw unregistered
#2   10 Jul 2004
Thanks GuitarMan, I appreciate the kind words. :)
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GuitarMan unregistered
#1   08 Jul 2004
500 downloads and not a single comment yet? Come on, guys...

Great design. I'm looking for this kind of maps all the time. Thank you very much pjw for this excellent piece of work.

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