Full Moon
Full Moon by TymoN
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sedawkgrep Rep. 369
#5   01 Mar 2024
Does anyone know where to find the red armor or quad damage?
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g0r the only unregistered
#4   13 Sep 2004
This map recieved an 8 from me and the team, we had fun with it in one of beryllium servers, thnx for your hard work... - Team Marlboro
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J2KoOl63 unregistered
#3   17 Jul 2004
This was an excellent map TymoN. I liked the skull lights and the wolf sound in the map. Bots played very well but they seemed to stay in the room where the Mega Health was and thelightning gun. Textures matched everything in the map. Good job 9/10!
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Alchemist unregistered
#2   08 Jul 2004
This map won the 2Q3 Mappers Challenge that was hosted on the Tikidomain. This banners were necessary for the competition.
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Black Dog unregistered
#1   04 Jul 2004
Oh man. Lovely looking level, good layout, skillfully textured and lit - and then you cram two awful, bright, atmosphere destroying banners into one corner? WTF?

Other than that, nice job. The looks are excellent. Minor gripes include the item placement being a little wierd in places - that solitary 5 health looks like it should be a weapon or armour - and the clipping could be better.

Also, don't ask me why, it needs the Mario theme music.

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