Cajun Hell
Cajun Hell by StormShadow
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Obsessed Rep. 658
#19   16 May 2018
True masterpiece!
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A1yssa Rep. 165
#18   06 Sep 2016
very nice architecture
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FragTastic Rep. 2351
#17   09 Jan 2012
Legendary! Nuff Said!
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HelterSkeleton Rep. 6415
#16   29 Aug 2008
Edited 2852.13 days after the original posting.
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Mark unregistered
#15   30 Jun 2008
This map has the most impressive botfile ive seen in a while - they play exceptionally well. A very attractive map.
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meguro unregistered
#14   24 Dec 2007
only thing i dislike is that the tdm version doesnt have rails. all it wouldve taken was an alt-cfg file TT

otherwise its an extremely nice level, reminds me a bit of polo3dmx maps, especially the ladders

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Black Dog unregistered
#13   16 May 2004
Very impressive, with a killer layout. Took me an embarrasingly long time to figure out there was a Quad area. :)

Nice one Storm.

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Madan unregistered
#12   28 Feb 2004
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StormShadow unregistered
#11   23 Feb 2004
Thanks wulfi, glad your enjoying it :)
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Wulfi unregistered
#10   01 Feb 2004
StormShadow, thanks for a great map. My friends and I give this baby a workout every Sunday morning for coffee and frags.
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StormShadow unregistered
#9   30 Dec 2003
Oh, so thats how it works... :)

I already got over 2k countable dls or so from LOTW, leakspot and other p1mpage, so i know my map is out there :) Just a little dissapointed that my final map EVER is the one at the bottom! Thats ok, ill get over it :)

You write great reviews man, it would be cool if you had a review site for cpm stuff.

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v1l3 unregistered
#8   30 Dec 2003
-my final q3 map gets stuck at the bottom

When you enter the reviews into the system, the first map review you do, goes to the bottom then the next and so on...until all the map reviews have been added to the database. Your map was on the top of my review notepad so it ended up being the first one entered in.....for it to be the last one wasn't intended.. sry

.but it's one of my favorite maps...and I think the reason it got such a little amount of downloads is because it was reviewed over at TikiDomain long ago, and prolly got the bulk of it's d/l from that review.

Maybe if I get PQ hosted one of these days on my site, I'll get a chance to do what Tiki does, but with a more of a cpm aim=)

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skraggs unregistered
#7   25 Dec 2003
Love it....Played it quite a few times,and it is definately an awesome map.
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StormShadow unregistered
#6   23 Dec 2003
Hehe yeah, after making me wait 4 months for a review, my final q3 map gets stuck at the bottom. Oh well :D At least it was a good review (thx v1|3, you da man).

Thanks for the comments all, glad your enjoying the map :)

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wviperw unregistered
#5   23 Dec 2003
Great map storm! Shoulda been placed 2nd in the list for more dl's though... :)
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bLOOd unregistered
#4   23 Dec 2003
I know you've heard this a lot, but i'm sayin it anyways, Great work Storm!
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V-Thrax unregistered
#3   23 Dec 2003
Been playing it for awhile now. Great map. Always Great action. Game play and looks, what more can you ask for. Congrats Storm, you've done it again.
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LiViD unregistered
#2   23 Dec 2003
wd, mang....this map needs some exposure. The trickjumps are so calculated, it's scary.
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NECROSIS unregistered
#1   22 Dec 2003
One of the most fun maps i have played in a long time
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