Sewage Treatment Plant
Sewage Treatment Plant by Fiend
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KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2402
#4   19 May 2012
Quite worth the download.

Reminded me of teh olde days of Q2. ;)

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Brian unregistered
#3   13 Dec 2010
The Mission 2 Part 1
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Tetzlaff unregistered
#2   09 Oct 2003
The arena file doesn´t work because it lists "single" in the type settings. Delete "single" and it works again.

The filthywater effect is quite cool, but apart from that the map looks very bland. The bathroom sections are too cramped and don´t work well for the flow. Another thing I found a bit annoying was that after spawning you run arround for a very long time without a weapon.

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Seremtan unregistered
#1   06 Oct 2003
Just thought you ought to know, but the arena file for this map doesn't work, for some reason. Otherwise, quite fun, though the bots miss out on the powerups.
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