We all need hope!
We all need hope! by Spiike
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raspatan Rep. 4556
#33   01 Jun 2021
Quite fun map over here. Suggested bot load is too many imo (super carnage). I tend to prefer more balanced gameplay so would suggest 5 max. Some features are below optimal to me. Bouncers are a bit misleading since the texture is larger than the actual bounce surface. Corridors are particularly tight, not good for strafing. I cannot think of an original Q3 maps having this problem. It could have been easily resolved. But over all is a very fun map, well connected and with quite a diverse type of fighting areas. Lots of verticality too. The main courtyard (where RL is) is particularly attractive. Power-up location is great too.
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Takkie Rep. 1808
#32   07 Feb 2021
There are a lot of things I like about this map. It has great size and connectivity is overall very good. The are quite a few places where you can surprise your opponents so that is nice. In one of the outdoor/courtyard areas I think the map is a bit too flat and the jumppad placement feels weird there. Especially compared to the other courtyard which is great, a bit tighter with better movement and gameplay. I dislike the lava room for one big and a second less important reason. One; the bots often do a back flip in the lava there and they give the room way too much of their attention. The bots main navigation seems to lead them to that lava room. Second; the colour is too red. To me it falls out of the colour scheme and breaks up the atmosphere.
Btw I totally dig the candles and the burn they give.
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Belphegor unregistered
#31   26 Feb 2015
nice use of the pentagram
I just wonder what the symbols in the Doom 2 texture: SKINSYM are. I know what the pentagram is, but what are the two others?
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not entered unregistered
#30   10 Apr 2000
But I love the map!
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not entered unregistered
#29   10 Apr 2000
Somehow I hate this maps name.
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McFly unregistered
#28   24 Mar 2000
Willpower doen't come close, eh?
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Budda Fingah unregistered
#27   24 Mar 2000
Just how does one find the BFG* ?
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Trytoon unregistered
#26   16 Mar 2000
Play it and love it

One of the best levels I have ever seen.

One good thing is that it´s not easy to get to the BFG

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Zpyder unregistered
#25   15 Mar 2000
Great level for some railaction.. the updated version have a hard to get bfg hidden..
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Slyko unregistered
#24   14 Mar 2000
The BEST map I've played yet. I really liked the use of the new textures and the gameflow. The pentagram room is fantastic. The "trick" to get the BFG is a great idea. Ambient sound is my only suggestions. A REAL KEEPER!
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Mr. Cheese unregistered
#23   11 Mar 2000
Great Map... but where's the caulk? I played this map on a PIII 500 and it chugged like hell!

Perhaps if you used some caulk to get rid of those extra faces, which bog down the level.

Otherwise, it was a great design!

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GR2276E unregistered
#22   10 Mar 2000
This map is a must have. I Love it and you will too. Like the man says its best suited to a LAN but the bot play is superb.

Nice touch is they actually try to stop you camping the RL at the gl......


Good one SPIIKE

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RedFive unregistered
#21   10 Mar 2000
I love it !!! it's just huge! My only problem is I haven't found a server that gives me a good connection yet (I need ADSL/cable NOW !!!).
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McFly unregistered
#20   07 Mar 2000

Keep up the good work laddy-boy

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ZeroSquared unregistered
#19   07 Mar 2000
This maps rules! I'm a LANMAN

and this is the best map I've

played to date. Make more Magnus! The guys working on rocket arena should get ahold of

this guy or this map.

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Mandog unregistered
#18   07 Mar 2000
Magnus has a new map in the Beta section called Willpower - check it out and let him know what you think.
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Raven unregistered
#17   07 Mar 2000
It'a a very good map, shame I can't keep it. I'm a single player only man, and the Bot's do not play this map well at all, so unfortunately out it goes. Can't win 'em all.
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Sentinell[SN] unregistered
#16   07 Mar 2000
This map is "quite good". As for me better then addiction.

I luv the gothic style.

One question: when you have quad and rocket launcher DO you really need BFG in this situation ??? :)))

Anyway great job. Im waiting for your next maps.

P.S We (me and my [SN] friends) will play on this map all the summer vacations :)

Im glad that you repair some bugs on this map.

Over and OUT !

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Khabal{KoF} unregistered
#15   06 Mar 2000
I love this map! I saw it about a week ago and I just had to have it. Wonderful all-around; it's a treat to play. This is probably one of the top 5 maps out there IMHO.

SUPER job! Do yourself a HUGE favor and grab this gem NOW!


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Allos unregistered
#14   06 Mar 2000
Another one of my favorites, a 9 from me. I'm a LAN player(large fast network, powerful computers with lots of players, what else is work for?) so I really appreciate what spike has done with this one. There's a few visual bugs but they don't hurt game play. I'll definitely grab the fixed version.

The BFG is easy to get but its kind of a waste of your quad damage unless there are a bunch of people on your route from the QD to the BFG.

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spg unregistered
#13   06 Mar 2000
what a great map..!

i'm verry impressed, and is well worth the d/l

look forward to your next release..

thumb's up

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sillysquirrel unregistered
#12   05 Mar 2000
A really great map, I really like those ceilings. Those are hard to do (Building a lvl myself). The one and only thing that I found wrong with your map; is a texture on the invisible wall that tele-ports you to the Haste power-up. On the side, opposite to the one facing the power-up, the wall has no texture.

I gave this a 9.5 The whole level is laid out well and has many small details that help elevate this level from others. I like the hook on the pentagram chandelier.

P.S. I found the BFG. Now how to get to it? Hmmm.

Oh, yeah I played this level with 16 folks; Teamdeath match. Had a blast. No one has figured how to get the BFG... yet.

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MogWaEE unregistered
#11   05 Mar 2000
You guys are being unfair in your ratings (I guess that it's the essence of ratings to be subjective though): this map is great and deserves a better score. Unfortunately Spiike left out a few flaws... but since he has promised to come up with a fixed version, this map will definitely be one of the great ones, and will stay indefinitely on my hdd. :)
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Tigger-oN unregistered
#10   05 Mar 2000
Spiike - just let me know when you have a new version and i'll update the .zip
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Spiike unregistered
#9   05 Mar 2000
The map will be updated and fixed

I'm now working on the bugs reported. I guess It's a bit late but I have spent so mutch time on this map that I can't have it released with those bad bugs. So please download the map again in a few days and the bugs will be out.

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[iF]Gonad unregistered
#8   05 Mar 2000
ammo placement and the amount of is pretty tricky compared to q2. In Q3A the ammo spawns much quicker than it did in Q2 so I would guess you wouldn't need as much. and when you pick up a weapon in q3a it already has more ammo already. Too much ammo always looks cluttered in Q3a but really is not needed as your gonna die before you use it all.

All in all this map is staying on my hrddrive :-)

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Spiike unregistered
#7   05 Mar 2000
A few comments on your comments:

The vis errors origin from the vis bug in Q3build.

About the ammo, it might seem to be alot of ammo but if u have 8 players it's not to mutch. And if you read the hope.txt you will find info about the BFG location and the Visbug.

And as most of my maps this isn't supposed to be played against bots, they have no brains! Play it on a LAN and then make your judgement.

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Jim unregistered
#6   05 Mar 2000
Nice architecture and layout.

I did notice there was some problems with this map tho, where at a distance some textures would flicker and give an odd HOM effect. I'm guessing there may have been a vis leak?

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Sundown unregistered
#5   05 Mar 2000
Big n' tasy with lotsa stuff. Not a great bot map--they dick around in the courtyard too much and make easy targets. Need lotsa carbon-based units to keep the action interesting. Decent flow.
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xdfg unregistered
#4   05 Mar 2000
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Octovus unregistered
#3   05 Mar 2000
Well I may be going somewhat against the flow, but I didn't like this map quite as much as Clockwerks or I Like Your Hair Long. Perhaps this is because of the mere SIZE of this map. I can definitely see how it would kick some ass on LANS though. My main gripe with Hope was the shere number of ammo boxes. Perhaps some levels do not have enough but too many is not anything of an improvement IMHO. That fatal click coming from your weapon is actually one of the more important parts of Q3 strategy IMO, and the ammo took a lot away from that. That said, I liked the powerup placement, and how the GL was placed as a good attack agains any RL camper..right when you pick it up just hit the trigger and a package goes bouncing their way. One thing...I could NOT find the BFG anywhere, I even tried a TDM where I asked a nightmare level bot to get it, he just said he would and then stood there stupidly..where is it?

Happy Fraggin! Octovus

(Oh yeah, 7 outa 10 because of the ammo and the mysterious BFG)

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Timothy 11 BlacK unregistered
#2   05 Mar 2000
This is by far the best map for Q3 so far.....screw "Addiction","Kaos",etc.......everything is perfect on and within this map.....you must d/l!!!
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M@dM@x unregistered
#1   05 Mar 2000
this is a really good map with a wonderful design. nice placement for the bfg. :-)

this map has 2 small errors. first, bots don´t have a chance to go to the portal in the red room. second, there is a hole in the bridge-beginn from the lower to the upper plane in the rl-room. but all in all an excellent map with a perfect design.

good work

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