Temple Of Solstice
Temple Of Solstice by Requiem
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FragTastic Rep. 2351
#6   11 Jan 2012
Looking at the screenshot, The map looks kinda calm and a fair arena. But when you play the actual map live its so wicked. Lots of gore, blood etc.. 9/10.
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EBUK unregistered
#5   07 Jan 2003
A small FFA was a blast!
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Requiem unregistered
#4   07 Jan 2003
Durning awaiting for add "Temple of Solstice" into LVL I release new version, which is little different - smaller, without BFG, with all textures. Download: requiem.and.pl/quake/maps.html or cord.shl.pl/~requiem/reqdm4.zip

ps. thx for comments:)

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SzakaL unregistered
#3   07 Jan 2003
Great map!!!
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ShadoW (PL) unregistered
#2   06 Jan 2003
Great job!!


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krekits unregistered
#1   06 Jan 2003
A great map, scale is good and the map is fairly big. Gameplay is good but this map is too big for tourney games, and it requires a fair amount of running when playing against the bots in the .arena file, a couple more bots and the and the action really gets going.

The .pk3 file is missing the textures/mrcleantex_3/mrc_metwall02.TGA texture.

Lighting is good and not overly bright. Lacks ambience sound though.

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