Stir Fried Rocks Attack
Stir Fried Rocks Attack by Charon
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raspatan Rep. 4556
#6   10 Oct 2020
Very entertaining. Lots of moving around, up and down, with plenty of open spaces. Makes for fast vertical action.
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FragTastic Rep. 2351
#5   04 Feb 2012
Your maps are amazing :D
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SH unregistered
#4   05 Jan 2003
Awesome map!
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StormShadow unregistered
#3   31 Dec 2002
Very fun map, quite different from the style we have come to expect from charon.

I agree with nitin that the map is a bit too open to be truly competetive, but its still a blast to play.

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nitin unregistered
#2   29 Dec 2002
not charon's best map, although I like the look a lot. Lighting could have been tweaked a bit more, but the contrast is nicely done. Gameplay wise, it's fun for non serious FFA action, not a serious gameplay map though, a bit too open and rail friendly.

Still, 7/10 from me.

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VanZeR** unregistered
#1   29 Dec 2002
Charon is a champion

the maps he produces contain are extremelay high on the gameplay factor

and im a big fan of the q3 minimalistic look!!!!

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