Title : Stir Fried Rocks Attack
Date : 11-21-2002
Filename : map-charon3dm12.pk3
Author : charon
Email Address : **email removed**
: (best to visit my site and get my current email address)
Website : **invalid URL**
: or if that doesn't work
: **invalid URL**
Description : Modern and futuristic, with grey textures and glaring blue
: overtones. Not the prettiest map I've ever made, but it
: definately is fun to play. Built for 1vs1 in a cpma
: environment, it always plays well for 1vs1 in vq3, as well
: as in chaotic ffa games. Trick jumps are abound, some working
: in different mods, depending on how you play the map.
: 1 large open 6 floor room and one small side room
Additional Credits to : id software, Normal, Parad0x, Castle, Kiltron, kanaeda,
: Matt "Lunaran" Breit(for the lunbase textures),
: and Randy Reddig(for the majestic textures and sea skybox).
: Also thanks goes out to those of you I might have missed.
- Play Information -
Players : 2 to 8(1v1 recommend, 8 is chaotic charon3dm3 style but possible)
Bots : Yes - 1 looks the best, more than that and they just run in circles
Weapons : Rocket Launcher, Railgun, Super Shotgun,
: Grenade Launcher, Plasma Gun
Unzip the the zip file map-charon3dm12.zip into your quake3\baseq3 directory.
Start quake3 and either select it from your map list or press tilde to enter the console and type:
"/sv_pure 0"
press enter
"/map charon3dm12"
- Construction -
Base : None
Editor(s) used : GTKRadiant
Known Bugs : On some machines the sky has lines along the edges. No clue as to why.
Build Time : 4 weeks or so(actual work time - a few hours)
Textures used : Lunbase textures by Matt "Lunaran" Breit
: ceil_lun_10k, ceil1_lun_20k, jaildrblue,
: jaildrwhite, jumppad2, oynxlite_2k
: Majestic textures by Randy Reddig
: base_flat_dark, base_flat_light, base_flat_med,
: base_floor, base_grooved, base_h_ridged,
: base_narrow, base_verts, base_wall, window_v
: Sea Skybox textres by Randy Reddig
: sea_bk, sea_dn, sea_ft, sea_lf, sea_rt, sea_up
: Custom textures by me to fit with the rest in the map
: charon_techpanel1, charon_techpanel2, charon_techpanel3
: charon_techpaneltall1, charon_techwall1, charon_techwall2
Compile machine : P4/2ghz with 512megs RAM
q3map compile Time : TOTAL - 33619 seconds or roughly 9 hours and 33 minutes
: BSP - 3 seconds
: VIS - 2 seconds
: LIGHT - 33614 seconds
Brushes : 654
- Copyright / Permissions -
You may not include or distribute this map in/with any sort of commercial product without
permission from the author. You may not mass distribute this level via any
non-electronic means, including but not limited to compact disks, and floppy disks
without permission from the author.