Skytown II
Skytown II by Anton
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Mapsking Rep. 392
#23   15 Dec 2019
I know it is a while after this map was made, but I noticed a technical error, and thought I'd mention it to the author, if they are still here. In the room with the torch chandelier, one of the torches is accidentally facing the wrong way, causing it to appear floating. Still a fun map, and no one would likely notice it while playing, but thought I'd share and hope Anton sees it.
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kokoa Rep. 159
#22   19 Sep 2013
Amazing map and very aesthetic. A real fun. I love it.
A floater of islands; I found it original. I like space floaters but there are too many already.
I played it twice, and although is not much, I don't think anything is missing so far.
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99ymx Rep. 118
#21   25 Aug 2012
The gravity is lowered a bit, from 800 to 700. XD
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Kyall Rep. 417
#20   21 Jul 2012
Also, the well near the bridge kind of creeped me out. It reminded me of the movie "The Ring".
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FragTastic Rep. 2351
#19   20 Jul 2012
Playing the first version of this map was fun, playing the second version of the map was amazing. Although there may be no difference in the map other than smoothed textures & improved gameplay, it still is fun in a different way. It's a map I would recommend to many others! :). 8/10
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Kyall Rep. 417
#18   11 Mar 2012
Heaps awesome map. I tried this with 12 human players, and the gameplay was excellent! The textures were pretty good, and the layout of the map very unique. The skybox could of matched the map name and layout a bit more, maybe with a cloud filled skybox. Loads of fun to be had with this map. 9/10.
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KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2402
#17   22 Jul 2011
When I fired a rocket at the skybox, it took impact.

When I played it in the Hunt mod, monster cocoons were able to be hung on the ceiling.

Is this supposed to be? Probably not but...may want to work on it some more to fix that.

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PaN61 Rep. 393
#16   06 Feb 2010
Very beautiful map, awesome textures and sky box, gameplay is really good.

Excellent job Anton, 9/10.


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AEon Rep. 780
#15   26 Aug 2009
Beautiful, yet still playable space map. Should be hilarious in instagib.
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Zargy Rep. 42
#14   17 May 2009
In my opinion this is a very well made map. I love it!
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MrFlint Rep. 0
#13   12 Mar 2006
LOve this baby!
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Meatboy Dogfood unregistered
#12   30 Sep 2002
Another odd mod to try with this one is Rune quake. This mod is dead now due to the programmer loseing most of his current to a fragged hard drive , but the mod it tons of fun for LAN partys.
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Nitebeat unregistered
#11   21 Sep 2002
definitaly an approvement over the first one. Better lighting this time, glad you redirected the teleporter to the rl instead of the bfg. RA should've staid?

Botplay is eh.. not really worth it. Half of the time they're stuck (like said in the review) at the entrance of the tower, or their in the wrong place.

Bleh, go play with yer buddies :D

Good map.

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Anton unregistered
#10   19 Sep 2002
I tried it with bazooka quake.

Very cool. But PKA version is much funny, though.

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Meatboy Dogfood unregistered
#9   18 Sep 2002
If your mod playing make sure to check out the link in the reveiw for Bazooka quake in the reveiw. Since Anton likes the big weapon carnage, he should love what the mod does to his map.
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Shithead unregistered
#8   15 Sep 2002
Painkeep Arena is THE nest DM mod around. Shame the masses out there want nothing but ctf and team games. My pleasure to convert it, we have lots of fun playing it.

Check out the mod at teamevolve.planetq.../pka/index.html

(Not on the team, just an avid fan!)

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SummerKitchen unregistered
#7   14 Sep 2002
Very sweet looking.

The only problem is my system cannot handle this map at full quality.


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horse001 unregistered
#6   13 Sep 2002
Rocks - BFG is overkill


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Nitebeat unregistered
#5   13 Sep 2002
I remember downloading the first version, but never got to play it. From the review this new version sounds more appealing ;-) than the first so

/me downloads level asap
/me likes visuals. Nice style. originality in your level.

Gameplay: wait and see :-) Don't like the idea of a bfg on level as small as this one though.(even if it's toned down)

Maybe this one will place good in instagib games :)

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Anton unregistered
#4   13 Sep 2002
Thanks guys :)

Shithead - I playing painkeeped skytown beta3 and now beta5 - and I can't stop after 2 weeks of playing it! Every evening after job we play it (1 on 1). I don't like to play my own maps, though :)

But this is absolutely cool and fun.

Thanks again for converting it to PKA!

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PeeBrain unregistered
#3   12 Sep 2002
Nice, Nice, NICE!!!

This level is GREAT!

I'll give a 9.9

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Shithead unregistered
#2   12 Sep 2002
Nice Job Anton!
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MrFlint unregistered
#1   12 Sep 2002

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