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aside from the flight, there really isn't much in the way of depth to this map: it could have been greatly helped by some teleporters and bouncepads. there is also a lot of z-fighting here.
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Wait!.. On map-factory.org, It says [BBST]R@dius created this map.. Well he must of stole your map because he released this map in 2010 and well this is map released in 2000. Looks like he/she stole your map without permission :O.
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Now this is a brilliant map.
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#49 08 Oct 2002
Damn I ment saying Ssub (and maybe also Durdm1:gotham. .. There are other city maps.. can't think of any other now..)
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#48 08 Oct 2002
I dunno, compare this one to Subb, Dangercity (and maybe you like drastic city and chronic as well...)
BUt it's one of the early maps so =)
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#47 11 Aug 2002
Boy, people sure are hard to please. I personally love city maps (sniper at heart), and I keep this one as my main map for occasional fragfesting and mod writing/testing. No, it's not the best map I've seen, but it's far from the worst. It's decent, fun, and fast.
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#46 22 Jul 2000
Nice map Bauul, runs good on my system, and it's different.
Lots of weapons and ammo, my kind of mayhem. Railgunners tend to take advantage of the tower, but hey that's life.
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#45 27 May 2000
Asesino, i posted those comments 2 friggin months ago your moron! How can I stop leaving them when I did stop like 80 days ago! Can you look at the date of messages in future please!
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#44 27 May 2000
Damn Bauul, stop posting friggin' un-needed responses. Such as
"Only 15 more DLs. Come on!!!"
"360 people! Way hay!". Half of these posts are from you. I'm not gonna even bother to d/l your map cause your pissing me off so much. HAH, hows that for a response? Get a life and try to create a map based on your own ideas.
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#43 25 May 2000
Well, I'm glad a few people like this map!
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#42 19 May 2000
This map is cool. I always have fun when i play it. It never lags at all. It looks like a city, what else should it look like? Its especially fun to get the flight and fly up onto the huge tower with the ailgun and zoom in and shoot people and they cant shoot you. I like seeing them shooting rockets and plasma up at me knowing that they will never hit me. Then i run out of slugs and make the jump. Oh yeah.
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#41 18 May 2000
Bauul just a note tell u I have no choice but to try your map because one of my favorite excessive servers i play on has it in there rotation Il let u knoe what I think
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#40 02 Apr 2000
why would I vote for my own map, and one bloke can't get the score this high!
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#39 01 Apr 2000
nah, menacs's right the map blows. stop voting for your own map bauul!
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#38 01 Apr 2000
Actually, the item placement is great. Simply the fact that the bots never hang around one area justifies this fact. I have never played a map like this, nor have ever heard of one. The map does not look crap. Load up Test_box (the id test map), and then say this looks crap. The gameplay
is there, it's just that if you like the asbility to hide or take cover, you won't like the map.
The streetlights and benchs were deliberatly blocky and made of brushes.. I have map models for both, but chose to make them simply for game speed reasons. This is a very fast map, and may not appeal to everyone.
This is not the worst map in exisitance. According to Tig, my other map is worse, but at least that has real gameplay.
It has now become very obvious that this really is a love/hate map, but obviously a few more people love it than hate it.
Ignore the problems, as they don't affect gameplay, and you actually have not a bad map.
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#37 31 Mar 2000
frankly, the map sucks, plain and simple. Not that there aren't other lousy maps out there (plenty of them) or that it's the worst map in existence or that it's alone in being bad, just that it's one of the 80% or so of maps that really deserve to be ignored and deleted from anyone's hard drive after checking out once (if you even bother to download it, which reviews and ratings like this are SUPPOSED to save you from...)
It's a very typical "first" map which looks like crap and has no gaemplay other than being a box with some other boxes (roughly buildings) in it, and some very awkward and blocky-looking structures such as benches and lightposts. There have been dozens and dozens of virtually identical city maps (such as the fragtown series), usually none of which are any good, and this one is no better than the rest. Not particularly imaginative, not particularly well make, not particularly attractive, particularly fun to play, poor item placement, etc. There's really not much to say, other than that it deserves about a 4 rating, not nearly an 8 (you can tell someone with an interest in seeing the map do well has a dynamic IP address and gives it regular "10s"...)
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#36 27 Mar 2000
"oh Bauul, i thought your map was great and I worship you, the ground you walk on, the mod you work for (www.quake3mods.net/hunter) and every single little detail I can think of. Oh please, Lord of all, God of the Universe and all round kick ass guy, make some more maps please!"Now, that is what I am looking for :)
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#35 27 Mar 2000
Come on, 1056 D/Ls and only a few people have commented on the map. So far it seams to be a real love/hate map. Lets have it, what do youthink?
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#34 25 Mar 2000
I love you people! 1000 D/Loads! Woooo! Party time. You ahve really made my day!
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#33 25 Mar 2000
Only 15 more DLs. Come on!!!!!
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#32 22 Mar 2000
Look, what is the point of going on about this being on the top ten? Lets have something
constructive on this message site. If people like the map, that's fine, but you are about the fifth person to say "why is this up here?". The answer: becuse obviously people have voted it up here! if you don't like the map, just vote low down on the scale. I like
structured critism but not just "oh this is a crap level and should be right at the bottom of the list". At least tell me
why!Actually, that Bottom ten list is not a bad idea. We all like to see the best maps, but I think it would be funny to see the most shite maps ever made that people dare to send to lvl.
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#31 21 Mar 2000
ok, what is this thing doing on the top 10 list again...
(I mean, sorry Bauul, but it almost belongs more on the BOTTOM 10 list.)
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#30 21 Mar 2000
Come on now, only 108 more to go! oh yeah, and go to
www.fragtown.co.uk/mod/ for the hunter mod web page, which has me on the team. (im a mapper, unsuprisingly), so go their to see ( or will in a bit) my latest works (not of art)
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#29 20 Mar 2000
Come on people! Let's get the number of downloads up to 1000! Just 147 left to go!
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#28 18 Mar 2000
Who knows? I centainly didn't expect people to vote it this highly! Maybe it is a great map after all...
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#27 18 Mar 2000
how did this get to the top 10?
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#26 18 Mar 2000
Is it as clear to others as it is to me that one or two people with dynamic ip addresses are solely responsible for the high score of this map?
I mean, kudos to bauul for doing the work to make it in the first place, and I realize it's a first effort and everyone's got to start somewhere (meaning I wouldn't normally say anything out of the way about it, except that it's now showing up on the top 10 list...), but...it isn't really any good at all and doesn't even come close to deserving the score it's getting. So why is its score so high? Do people really have so little taste that they actually LIKED this map???
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#25 17 Mar 2000
WOW This map is Great I really loved the layout. Nice textures...all the usualls. Keep up the good work!
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The Hunter
#24 17 Mar 2000
fanasy means Fantasy sorry
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The Hunter
#23 17 Mar 2000
A good map and Bauul you got a good fanasy you now that thing to build a city i like it
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The Hunter
#22 17 Mar 2000
A good map and Bauul you got a good fanasy you now that thing to build a city i like it
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#21 16 Mar 2000
GREAT MAP!!! Loved it. Make some more Bauul! I can't wait!
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#20 16 Mar 2000
The street lights are lamp posts, not streetlights, which are that tall
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#19 16 Mar 2000
Um, last time i looked, benchs in the park werent nearly that tall. streetlights are way short.
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#18 15 Mar 2000
Lelon, first points.
I would put it on the menu if I had any idea how!
2nd point
The lighting is of two types, moonlight (white) and streetlight (orange). Moonlight is white and streetlight is orange (the sodium hydroxide that glows orange when electricity is passed through it)
3rd point
The scaling is perfect. I find nothing wrong with this.
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#17 14 Mar 2000
This map looses 2 points for not showing up on the menu, 1 point for horrible lighting. 1 point for poor scale. 6 from me
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#16 13 Mar 2000
A strong 7 here from me, loss of points due mainly to the strange greenish yellow hue that seems to fill the whole map. Weapon placement was pretty good, and layout was fine, though the back passages and dark spots Tig mentioned
did get annoying quickly.
Happy Fraggin! Octovus
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#15 10 Mar 2000
360 people! Way hay!
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#14 07 Mar 2000
Woo hoo! 301 people! This is cool!
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#13 03 Mar 2000
Holy shit, I jst noticed that 126 people had downloaded the level. Wow!
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#12 29 Feb 2000
The elevator is a good idea, but how about a.. wait for it... a HUGE jump pad that throws you 200 feet up so you land neatly on the top. He he he. Still, ([NRD]10sun) i'm very glad you enjoyed it. It is good for LAN netwrks becuse the framerate is always hogh, even on low end computers. You are right about the sniping. Sniping from on high (near birds eye) is actually very hard, but sniping from a lower buildng dosen't let you see the whole map, and yes, you are very open.
Tge areas of the map that are very dark have little or nothing in of value, but I LOVE that bit with the medi-kit, in the beam of moonlight. That was cool.
Has anyone found the flight artifact? There is on in there, and so far, no-one has told me about it, not even Tigger-On.
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#11 28 Feb 2000
Although many people seem to complain about this map, my friends and I all loved it at the LAN party we held this past weekend. It had something for everyone. I eagerly await a new version... perhaps one with an elevator to take you to the top of the skyscraper? Its actually a lot harder to snipe from there than on the ground level b/c people can see you real easy(I'm the only one who has details cranked).
I wish more maps of this theme were put out b/c this one and SiNCity are currently the preferred practice maps of my roomates and I. I can only complain in one area of this map. Some parts are just too dark and it is frustrating seeing an area that you just can't squeeze through =(. Overall though, I give this an 8 of 10.
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#10 24 Feb 2000
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#9 24 Feb 2000
Calm down Deadstar, do you think I knew of the bugs when I released the map? If you do, you are gravly mistaken... But don't worry, if you liked the idea of the map but hated the actaul thing, I am working on metro2, a much imporved version, with no bugs and extra stuff, like buildings are open to go into and run around the different floors etc.
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#8 24 Feb 2000
there is a life outside the Q3 castle... continue !
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#7 23 Feb 2000
D'oh! Still, yes, this was my first map, and is FULL of bugs.<whinge>What's the bloody point in releasing a map when you KNOW it's buggy. And why the hell do people insist on releasing their "first map" all the time. Take some time and get some skills and release something that's WORTH downloading.</whinge>
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#6 23 Feb 2000
If you have a map waiting to be reviewed by Lvl and you think maybe it should be in the Beta section, just grab yourself a mappers login & put the map up there, then send an email letting us know you want to put the review on hold.
I have previewed about half of the current queue and a lot have technical bugs / flaws that bring down the maps potential. Put it in the Beta section and find out what your friends wouldn't tell you about the map.
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#5 23 Feb 2000
Uh-Oh, he said the beta section WASN'T up when he made it, I dont see where u got that he said it was in the beta section.
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#4 23 Feb 2000
Baull, Did You notice your map is in the final build section, and not in the beta area as you imply in your post? Notice I'm bored too.... ;) Good luck on your next map anyway.
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#3 23 Feb 2000
I've just realised that the map number for metro was 123. Cool, huh? As you can tell, i'm bored.
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#2 23 Feb 2000
This is really wierd! I was POSATIVE non of the buildings were floating! I must of accidently moved the pavment/side walk down. D'oh! Still, yes, this was my first map, and is FULL of bugs. The bots work well with it, as in they don't cling to one area, but it is a very shoddy map. Still, it's a first, and what is the beta area for? Shame it wasn't up when I made this! My latest map, Darkayne, is a little better. I hope. :-)
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#1 23 Feb 2000
I recognize alot of the textures on this map from a tutorial series I was reading when I first started learning how to use Qradiant. The tutorial example map was a city setting not unlike Bauul's. So I'm guessing this is Bauul's first map, which really shows in the real lack of flow or attention to detail in the map. Gameplay adds up to mostly running around in the street with little cover other than the little square skyscrapers, some of which hover irritatingly a few inches above the ground. Ultimately this map seems really unfinished. (Bots played well on it at least...)
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