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crazy idea! =) for those players who are drunk or something - the gameplay becomes awesome! :D
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Very cool map and very fun to play!!
Makes you feel weird from the fast moving walls! :p
Awsome map
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A pretty fun map. Textures are awesome and the background made it look a great deal more realistic. The idea is very good, and to jump off the edge and die also makes it feel realistic. Great gameplay, with 8 human players or bots. A keeper. 9/10.
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Love the map :).
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IMO, the train interior should have passenger cars :P
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Really cool map,but yea, can be a bit better,just a bit :)
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This map made me laugh. I used to have naked bot Slash trying to kill me and she just fell off too many times. It was fun map for a while.
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#23 13 Sep 2003
personly speaking this map is very much like coloncancer and meatpatty but...
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#22 21 May 2000
Great map, pretty fun too! Though not exactly original in all means, still VERY fun to play, I recommend this one. Could of been better with sounds. Like the rain grinding on the rails or the whistle, you know, something that gave it a really fast paced, Haulin ass, one hell of a ride kinda atmosphere. Maybe you coulda sped up the tunnel more. I like that feeling of rush, sheer speed. =)
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#21 18 Mar 2000
Pretty Cool Map, Has the same bugs as the originol Sin version plus the signs don't knock you off of the train like they're supposed to. And now if I could only see a Q3A conversion of Paradoxx (For those who don't know it you can stand on walls and the ceiling in it) life would be grand.
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#20 16 Mar 2000
FINALLY, a map that shows up on all 3 map menus!!!! I thought I'd finally found a map that didnt loose any tech points, but...
this map wont load unless pure server is off :-(. Whats that all about? Can someone help me out? I'm going to hold off on voting just in case, but if its not fixed its a 0. :-(
As far as the map, the bullet marks on the wals are really annoying on the wall but nothing you can do about that. The ability to grapple off the moving side ruins the effect, so stay away from grapple on this level. Great gameplay, although its requires expert players to really play it.
If it wasnt for the fatal error I'd give it an 8.
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#19 26 Feb 2000
Cool map man...Never played this SIN game, but this is surely an original Q3 map...I wonder why those bots just keep jumpin off the edge....
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#18 23 Feb 2000
I found a little bug. I don't know if anybody have found it. The signs that goes by sometimes that are supposed to put you down, I can stop them. I standed on one carriage (don't know if it's right word, used a lexikon) and when the sign came I stopped it. Later another one came and I stopped that too. Pretty sick I thought. Just said so you know!
The Swedish Grunt
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#17 23 Feb 2000
Well, this map is what the average Quake 3 map should be. Fine to nice in all respects. However, hardly any Q3 maps are yet, not that I blame you though I
HAVE tried in vain to make a half-ways better than shit map with Radiant. Anyhow, guess I should say something bout the map. The mg was a little unnecessary, but the effect of the moving wall was kwl... that the marks didn't move was a shame though. Also, one thing you could do to majorly improve weapon placement would be to put the rl in the lg or mg's place... when both the rg and rl are at far ends of the train, the action gets kinda diluted. 7 outa 10.
Happy fraggin! Octovus
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#16 23 Feb 2000
I totaly love this map. This is the best map for Q3A i have ever seen!!!
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#15 23 Feb 2000
I can't say that I liked this map because I don't. The conversion is good, but the gameplay sucks. I don't complain at your map only I just don't like this kind of maps. I haven't downloaded this map because I played at a LAN once, I am not sure if it's the same map because it have been made several maps where you are on a train to Q3A. Don't take it personially, I don't complain on you only at the idea of this map (it wasn't your from the beginning??? or?) Well, I hope next conversion will be 2fort.. I know there already have been made conversions but a better one. Cya!
The Swedish Grunt
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#14 22 Feb 2000
Hmm, I think some background soundeffects would be good for this level also. However, I think the gameplay really sucks, IMHO this level isn't worth the download.
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#13 22 Feb 2000
Fun map! Good Game play flow. Train noises could have been better and like everyone else shaders are a little off. But it was worth the download. Gave it an 8. Like to see some more maps like this,Gothic is getting old.
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#12 22 Feb 2000
An excellent "concept map". The general flow and balance is good. It could've used some ambient train background noises. And yes, improved shaders would've helped further the illusion of travel. But overall it's a solid, fun map. Don't fall off! ;P
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#11 22 Feb 2000
I liked this map cause my father works for the railroad! But its also fun even with bots and i hate playin with bots normally
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#10 22 Feb 2000
Yeah, deck16 is the best DM level I've ever played. Would convert it myself if I had the skills.
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#9 22 Feb 2000
I agree with ball, someone should convert the unreal level dmdeck16, that lvl ruled!
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#8 22 Feb 2000
Why doesn't someone make a conversion of DM-Deck16 of original Unreal. That would be a sweet map.
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#7 22 Feb 2000
slayerjoe never ceases to impress
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#6 22 Feb 2000
oh yeh lunatic chaos- the good lvls in half-life were singleplayer and their no good for multiplay so why make em?
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#5 22 Feb 2000
cant wait till someone makes a conversion of the oilrig best lvl in sin :] besides i didnt like this lvl much in Sin.
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#4 21 Feb 2000
For as shitty as SiN was
there sure are alot of sin
maps being made for q3.
Where are all the Half-life
converted maps..
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#3 21 Feb 2000
Well, it's not really "original" since it's a conversion of a map from SiN.
It would be cool if it was done properly, with good train textures and the .shader fix as suggested by Tigger.
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not entered
#2 21 Feb 2000
Original as hell
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#1 21 Feb 2000
this is cool, gameplay isnt that great, but the effect is nice!
makes me dizzy
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