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Take all the statues and gizmos away and you basically just have a long, two-storeyed hall with not much opportunity for z-axis fighting. and rocket launcher ammo seems a bit redundant next to two pipes which are constantly spawning rocket launchers and ammo. It looks great, the novelty elements are cool, as are the secrets but you're basically just fighting along fairly horizontal corridors.
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#23 10 Nov 2011
We need more maps with the Battlesuit, seriously I can hardly ever find any good maps with it.
on a side note, the only way out of the secret room is via personal Teleporter right?
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The invisibility is placed in a very good spot as well as the BFG. At first I thought you couldn't get the BFG, but with a little experimenting with the battle suit, you can get it. A lot of neat tricks used in this map.
In my opinion, the visuals like the red lava, with the shiny metal are really aesthetic.
An excellent map IMMORTAL, 9/10.
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#21 24 Feb 2002
Eh maybe I was just lucky, didn't take me long, but the secret is cool :-)
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#20 24 Feb 2002
very good....i knew it when it was in creation....we saw the ambience created by the environment.
that s a good map to play ...sure!
and overall a good map to watch
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#19 24 Feb 2002
not if u don't use cheat codes :p
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#18 24 Feb 2002
nunuk: That's what I meant, I can't believe it would take a mapper that long to find the secret area :-p
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Velveteen Vamp
#17 24 Feb 2002
Well vote as well u dorks ;)
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Velveteen Vamp
#16 24 Feb 2002
Tempting ........
Well it's brilliant of course :x
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#15 24 Feb 2002
Ooooh that is good map, good for me.... nice design map :)
immortal rulez :)
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#14 24 Feb 2002
Other interresting thing, look at the klesk statue, the direction of the rocket launcher ... well the shooter rocket that goes down and blocks it when u take the rocket launcher is an extention of this statue in a way ... well it goes the same direction, it is 1 with the statue and consider the rockets getting out of it are like getting out of the klesk rl, oh good idea, I should have done that !!!
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#13 24 Feb 2002
Thank you Quint :)))
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#12 24 Feb 2002
This map amazed me. Even if at the beginning it was a little hard for my eyes (an huge amount of shaders, coulour contrast and all)... but after a while, I started analyzing all the awesome structures and the gameplay ideas. Impressive! And really original. A keeper for me.
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#11 24 Feb 2002
I call every mappers to put secret areas in their maps, I think it's a big plus for the fun, and what better item for it than an invisibility ? :)
A BFG maybe :) mouhahahaha
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#10 24 Feb 2002
nono octovus, there's really an invis in there. gotta do a rj on a jumpy somewhere, and bam, welcome to the klesk world. :D
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Pure Imaginary
#9 23 Feb 2002
My wording was grossly vague, but I meant to say the RL room is too easy to control in TDM. It is simply a matter of the in-control team rushing the BS --> BFG to maintain their dominance (the YA and MH near the RL are what feed the dominant team).
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#8 23 Feb 2002
And how long did that take you, nunuk...? :-p (Perhaps this is an inside joke and I should leave before the door slams on my nose).
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#7 23 Feb 2002
1st a big hello to my friend Nunuk, I liked Sparth a lot and the pads on it are really inovatives ... great :)
I would like to speek a bit about the gameplay on hymn.
The rocket launcher is indeed easy to grab and it room might be easy to control ? I'm not so sure of that !!!
They are enough powerfull items elsewhere in the map to keep an eye also on the rest of the map.
Up to this rocket room there is a well placed grenade launcher, and then be sure most of the time you'll be in the rocket launcher room, there will be a few grenades flying around and trying to frag you, not only that, maybe someone will come in with a little quad and a shotgun or railgun or someone else will teleport right onto the mega health just after having taken a red armor ... but maybe that is the best thing that could happen to the people trying to camp on this room considering that a big bfg could also fall onto their buds , most of the time with a shield too!!!
I will continue on my launch and say that if you play online, and if you play on q3dm12, there will alway be a bloke camping the bfg and other blokes moaning about it.I have to say about that, that is why id placed a holdable teleporter in every of q3 maps that have a bfg in, it gives you the occasion to grab it teleport and not get fragged to finally rule the whole map with this fabulous weapon.
In fact that is just to say controling a weapon don't give the control of the map.
Well despite of all the comments I still think that this map is well balanced and the gameplay not too concentrated in the rocket launcher room
I admit that this map and also the frozen version arn't correctly optimised, that isn't a problem of number of polygones optimisation or visibility blocking, it is more the fact that I've not used any layered texturing in it.I would like to thanks mister Quivert for having taught me that
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#6 23 Feb 2002
immo! found the invis! :D
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#5 23 Feb 2002
Meh, I've played two versions of this, the original and then the remake in his "frozen" or ice or whatever he called it winterized pack. The map is ok...my system doesn't like it too much but the looks can account for that (my best guess at to PI's comments is he found the red and chrome overwhelming, which I did too after a while). THe little rocketjumping tubes are quite cool, with a powerup up there and a PT being the only way back. Having a gimmick in the lava is also great (unless I'm mixing my levels, the BFG is down there? I really think it is...but I played this map months ago).
Too bad it wouldn't run very well on my system...I'll give it a 7 for that plus pretty fun gameplay and more than acceptable looks :-)
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#4 22 Feb 2002
Hi Pure Imaginary!
I just replayed the map. I guess you are right.
I misinterpreted your last paragraph as I thought you meant that is is always easy, not only in TDM.
Getting a railgun shot through when you are surrounded by splashing rockets is not that easy...
I think especially with the megahealth in the same room, things are really on the side of the team controlling the room.
I really cannot say much about the TDM aspect, as we normally play FFA or CTF maps.
I quite like it in FFA, but it is nothing too spectacular.
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Pure Imaginary
#3 22 Feb 2002
The Rocket Launcher room is too easy to control in TDM. :) Essentially, every player on your team gets unlimited rockets, which is tough on the team that has to build up considerably more slowly elsewhere.
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#2 22 Feb 2002
Hi guys!
"However, the ease in controlling the Rocket Launcher room will eventually turn you off."
Uh-oh! I guess I suck, because I did not find it too easy to control it. In fact, I failed miserably :(
From what I remember, I was a bit puzzled how wide-spread the map is, with fighting not only in one or two areas but several and also taking place on the connections between them.
hmmm time for a replay I guess, since I played it a few weeks ago.
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The Loader
#1 22 Feb 2002
praise the rocket launcher :)
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