Simplisity by Thingie
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HelterSkeleton Rep. 6415
#10   30 Nov 2019
to give credit where credit is due some thought has been put into the item placement. 5h and armour shards to reveal location, not too much health, and not ridiculous amounts of the same ammo clumped together. this contributed much to making the games here enjoyable. so kudo for that. but it is too dark and the lava kinda made it play a bit like a space map. If the lava had been shallow so you took damage but could still get out, that would have helped a lot. A good base though that would have been better if it had been detailed better.
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I_like_quake unregistered
#9   21 Oct 2011
Good job?
No but seriously, it good for a couple rounds, just a little too dark
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$u$h| }{ unregistered
#8   22 May 2000
First of all, I really dont think Thingie cares bout speeling mistakes =P

Second of all, I say bring on the simple box maps! I love the small, you can run but cant hide kinda style. Its a constant frag fest! This ones entertainging Thingie.

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000000000000000000000001 unregistered
#7   21 Feb 2000
I thought simplisity is spelled simplisity, and simplicity is spelled simplicity?
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Twitchfactor unregistered
#6   20 Feb 2000
You do realize Simplisity is spelled... Simplicity? ;)
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Tensun unregistered
#5   20 Feb 2000
i neva minded losing against my big bro it jus got annoying wen he bragged :)
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Timothy 11 BlacK unregistered
#4   19 Feb 2000
This map was kind of cool for about 5 mins...then it dawned on me that it lighting and goth-danger feel...other than that,well it blows!!
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NNY unregistered
#3   19 Feb 2000
nice little map

but in a one on one u can get aesy mapcontrole

the lusing hand will quit quickly

greetz NNY

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-=<<<Bi0>>>=- unregistered
#2   19 Feb 2000
I think the map's pretty cool, I certainly wont be deleting it any time soon. The lava adds a nice bit of danger. Good for a little 2 on 2.
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the man himself unregistered
#1   18 Feb 2000
well -- it finally shows up and I'm posting the first comment myself. So much for the first attempt though. New one's in the making. Hope you'll like that one better ;-)

Oh PS: by brother probably didn't wanna say it sucked like hell..

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