How to create custom bots
KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2518
#1   06 Jun 2012
I haven't been able to find any reliable resources on this one

But I know someone around here would know how to create custom bots.

What I want to do is create bots for models that do not have any

For instance: Dr. Evil (Austin Powers), Kenny McCormick (South Park), Spongebob Squarepants, Imperial Stormtrooper (Star Wars), and Darth Maul

Any help would be appreciated. I know Tig must know something of this, since he made the Tig and Mand0g bots for one of his maps.

Tig Rep. 2452
#2   06 Jun 2012
  • Download tig_den (or you can use pak0 if you like, just more base files).
  • Unpack the pk3 file (it is just a zip file, with the .zip changed to .pk3) to a temp folder (to prevent conflicts).
  • Move (or copy) the "botfiles" directory to your "baseq3" folder.
  • In the "botfiles/bots" folder you will find a bunch of files named "tig_*.c", copy them all and renamed to suit you (no spaces, lower case letters). For example, "drevil_*.c".
  • Open each file in notepad or a similar text edit and edit to suit your new bot.
If you got it all correct, start quake3 and add your bot.
KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2518
#3   06 Jun 2012
Can this be done with 7zip?

Also I would like to create custom speech for them. Eh, its not that important though I guess.

Tig Rep. 2452
#4   06 Jun 2012
7zip should not be an issue at all, just "open" the pk3 with 7zip.

The "chat" is handled by the "<botname>_t.c" file. Open it up and have a look :]

leilei Rep. 443
#5   07 Jun 2012
The most lazy way is to make a new .bot file that just uses existing bot files. The personality will be less than desired and unique, but hey it's a functional bot.
KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2518
#6   07 Jun 2012
And how do I turn the document file back into a PK3? That is like my most biggest issue.
leilei Rep. 443
#7   07 Jun 2012
Zip the folder (scripts and bots)
then, rename the extension to pk3
Tig Rep. 2452
#8   07 Jun 2012
As leilei says, the .pk3 is just a .zip renamed to .pk3.

If you are on Windows XP, try switching off the "hide file extensions" option. You do this by:

  • "Windows Key + E" -> Tools -> Folder Options -> View -> untick "Hide extensions for known file types".
After you have made your .zip, select it (in Windows Explorer) so it is highlighted and press F2, then change the .zip to .pk3.
KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2518
#9   12 Jun 2012
I know you guys are trying your best in order to help me figure this out, but this is still sounding like Greek to me. If there is a youtube video or visual aid to help make sense of this, that would be swell.
Tig Rep. 2452
#10   12 Jun 2012
What have you managed to do so far? What are your issues?

This way we can write or show (with images) at a level that can help you. The thing is we don't know your skill level.

KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2518
#11   13 Jun 2012
Well, as of now I have figured out how to turn the .zip into a .pk3 and back.

My new problem is that when I placed my new bot into baseq3 is that it doesn't show up as MAUL, but as Vader (I used Darth Vader's bot file). Also, it fails to work! Said something about Daemia chat noworky, and skill level 1-4 unable to be loaded. When I loaded Daemia, she worked fine.

So I looked and compared Vader's files with Maul's, added Vader's files and renamed anything Darth Vader, Vader, or vadr to Darth Maul, maul, or MAUL.

Still, it failed.
Edited 1.15 minutes after the original posting.

Tig Rep. 2452
#12   13 Jun 2012
Make sure you have 4 files for your new bot. They should be (guessing the name):
  • maul_c.c
  • maul_i.c
  • maul_t.c
  • maul_w.c
Make sure you have correctly edited "maul_c.c". Don't just use a "search and replace", go over the file line by line - you will learn a lot more that way.

Your new pk3 should have the correct folder structure, it is:

  • botfiles/bot/
If it still not working, post a download link to your pk3 so we can all see what kind of a mess you have have made :]
KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2518
#13   17 Jun 2012
@Tig: I did do that before you mentioned it.

Don't just use a "search and replace", go over the file line by line - you will learn a lot more that way.

What do you mean by that?

@FistMarine: Any possible help on this is greatly appreciated. I feel like being stuck in a nearly inescapable rut of not knowing what to do. You mentioned using some random chat script? Please explain.

Tig Rep. 2452
#14   18 Jun 2012
Some people simply use the "search and replace" feature of a text editor when putting scripts together. While this can work to get things going it is also a very bad way to understand how the script works.

It is much better, but slower to go over the scripts line by line. You will learn more that way and when things go wrong you will have a better chance of fixing them.

How about you upload your script to some where so we can see what has gone wrong.

KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2518
#15   23 Jul 2012
How do I upload them without them ending up in reviews?
Tig Rep. 2452
#16   23 Jul 2012
Well, you can get a DropBox - -or Google Drive - - account and place the zip files into a "public" folder, then post the link here.

There are many other file lockers / file share sites. These are just the two that I both like and use.

CZghost Rep. 1799
#17   24 Jul 2012
I use Doctor's BOTstudio to create new bots, have made a lots of working test bots, that writes own chat texts, have own item weights, weapon usage and many other characteristics. Unique chars for each bot I have created... Only thing the BOTstudio doesn't support Team Arena (or other mods), only baseq3...
KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2518
#18   29 Oct 2012
The only problem I have now is editing the script. file which I cannot open with .7zip, and I do not know how to make my own script. files. Anyone know what to do?
Tig Rep. 2452
#19   29 Oct 2012
You open scripts in a text editor like Notepad or Wordpad. 7-Zip is for compression / decompression of archives (like PK3 files).
KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2518
#20   29 Oct 2012
@Tig: Ah! That's why it didn't work. The only thing I needed to edit was the script file!

All I need help with now is the custom chat file I tried to make for a new bot. Why is it I cannot change the phrases the bots says ingame?
Edited 11.33 hours after the original posting.

GuitarMan Rep. 569
#21   30 Oct 2012
I thought I've addressed all of this stuff long ago, I'm almost sure it was you (SW12) who asked.

This is the guide I've used years ago to create custom bots, it's so easy, there's no way for your bot not to work:

KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2518
#22   31 Oct 2012
@GuitarMan: Sometimes I don't understand what he is describing. I said it before, and I'll say it again, I need a visual aid to know what to do properly.
GuitarMan Rep. 569
#23   18 Nov 2012
I'm sorry I didn't read your reply back then and I'm sorry I assumed you were going to get it better than I did. Well then, there's the problem, you WANT a visual aid, and that guide is so easy YOU DON'T NEED it, you are doing it more complicated to yourself. I'm not smart or brainy and I understand it, my level of education is barely high school and I understand it, and I even made a simple bot myself writing the files on Notepad and that was 12 years ago when my head was full of booze and other bad stuff.

Sorry for thinking good of you, and I apologize for trying to help. I won't do that again.

KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2518
#24   19 Nov 2012
@GuitarMan: What I asked for was not all that hard. I merely asked for a visual to help me see what I am doing wrong with the files that caused them to be corrupted, which remained an unanswered problem on PlanetQuake. Also, I don't see any reason to get all pissy over it.
KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2518
#25   21 Mar 2013
Well, you can get a DropBox - -or Google Drive - - account and place the zip files into a "public" folder, then post the link here.
There are many other file lockers / file share sites. These are just the two that I both like and use.

@Tig: Could you see what is wrong with the bot I made?
Tig Rep. 2452
#26   21 Mar 2013
@Rebmarine (SW12): You included a link to the "edit" page for the file - which I do not have access to. You need to include the "share" link.

If you go to the link (because you own the file you can), then select "File" -> "Share..." you will get the "share" link. Paste that link instead.

KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2518
#27   21 Mar 2013
Will it work now? -->

If that doesn't work, is there a way to simply email the file?

Tig Rep. 2452
#28   22 Mar 2013
Still not working as you have not included the correct link or the file you are sharing is not in a "public" folder.

There are instructions here:

I think it is worth trying to help you to share a file, so lets keep working out this issue.

There is an old saying;

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime

And I agree with this.

Colton Rep. 397
#29   17 Dec 2015
I got the bot working KommissarReb, you can grab it here: & sorry for necrobumping.

Edited 23 seconds after the original posting.

KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2518
#30   17 Dec 2015
@Colton: Thanks! I appreciate it. But do email the decryption code to me so I can download it. (

Edited 144 days after the original posting.

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