Maps that fight you
Started by Geniraul
Geniraul Rep. 1842
#1   20 Jan 2023
It's not a secret that some maps require quite a lot of skill to navigate around them, however there are some levels of that specific category where the map itself literally fights you and becomes for you an enemy not smaller than the participants of the match.

A brilliant example of such a map is LIGHTTOWER by @Martinus. This level literally fights you with its huge projectors' lights, numerous grenades and rockets, and suddenly dropping down different floor levels, which makes you fall into various lava pits. Or maybe all this stuff is done by this large and evil skeleton practicing some black magic C:

Another good example is 13DYNA by @sst13. This level has the following concept: you are only equipped with the GL full of grenades, and gauntlet, no basic bullets in the MG and no ammo neither armor on the map. Every time you throw a grenade, a line of several underground rockets is being shot under the place where the grenade dropped and thus, forces you to shoot grenades from afar to not take too much damage, which makes you fight your enemy from a greater distance.

There are as well some maps that seem to be waiting for you to cross the trigger line to attack you ;) Quite a cool sample of such a level is TIG_BZ by @Tig which uses its tanks to shoot you when you cross their trigger lines.

I know couple of others as well but I don't want to take the whole thread for myself, so here you go: can you think of any other maps like these? :)

Geniraul Rep. 1842
#2   03 Feb 2023
Ok, to give a possible warming-up to this thread, I'll go ahead and mention those 2 following maps:

  • ISLAND by Blurr. Keep in mind that you should take care when grabbing the LG — you might do an unintentional "canon jump", just like the readme file states ;) Also, be careful before attempting to pick up the rockets in one of the huts C: "The huts also periodically explode due to the close proximity of the weapons' ammo to the open flame. The fact this only happens when a player is in the hut is simply a courtesy feature." — from the readme file. You might need a battle suit to do this, but first you should find it :)
  • BLOODSTONE by @SCORN . Once you grab the red armor, you'll be blocked by numerous grenades behind your back, so it will take you some time to return. Or of course, you can do the rocket jump, but it will cost you some hp ;) If you're picking up the red, you should sacrifice something, but the choice is yours: time or hp. When you attempt to grab the regeneration item, the map also carries out an attack on you, and that's by dropping some vertical rockets around you.
Edited 5.62 minutes after the original posting.
Geniraul Rep. 1842
#3   09 Jun 2023
Another good example is FUSIONDM04 by Fusion. Apart from the toxic environment filled with slime swamps and custom bots (Biostud, Claw and Jurael) who show some brilliant skills, there is a spooky stash on this level, so that you don't forget that life is not that easy :) You can see two glowing green eyes following you from inside a tiny cave in one of the rocks. The narrowness of the passage between the cave and the rock on the other side brings some more challenge to the game.

Don't event try to trigger the monster by taking the passage straight away — it will squish you with its long wood-colored three-clawed hand. Instead, it would be a wise decision to carefully sneak up on this creature first. Once you see its eyes, shoot them, whereupon the clawed hand will appear. Immediately jump on it and continue forward.
Edited 3.17 minutes after the original posting.

Geniraul Rep. 1842
#4   15 Jun 2023
One more wonderful IMO map, which I also had a chance to review, is LA2003 aka Lava Arena 2003 by -=ZerTerO=- aka ZerTerO, the author of the amazing mod High Quality Quake aka HQQ, which ..::LvL allows to use the bot icons for the avatar from. The level attempts to lure you into a trap in two places and uses the same technique to do so, here is how:

The octagon provides for the player an opportunity to grab the regeneration item. Once the player attempts to do so, here comes into action the gimmick of the map: rockets. The one reaching the trigger point will be immediately attacked with 4 diagonal rockets coming from the four corners. The fire is thrown out from inside the decorative lion heads attached to the walls and having the flames constantly burning inside lions' mouths, which appears to be a very wise design decision. The player keeps being shot as long as he or she is in the trigger point's place.

The center is represented by a small platform illuminated in blue on the upper part of its surface and having the MegaHealth item located on it. The platform is filled with shallow water and has the exact same trigger point in the place of the MegaHealth as the construction with the regeneration right under it. The same lion heads are used to shoot the player, however this time the distance that the rockets should travel from the heads to the player is quite significantly shorter. As for the water, it serves as a good gameplay trick to bring some challenge to the player, slightly slowing them down in the zone containing the trigger point. The platform is connected with the perimeter by four chains, which go from and to all the sides. Those serve as limit bringers and skill testers while performing the function of tightrope walking objects.

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