KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2362
#22   22 Jun 2011
Looks really nice. Update the download when your done.
themuffinator Rep. 1044
#23   22 Jun 2011
I really intended it to be an advantage for your opponent while you're in that area. And I have no idea how to increase the range of sight.

Create a new fog shader. Add this to your shader file:

qer_editorimage textures/sfx/fog_green.tga
surfaceparm trans
surfaceparm nonsolid
surfaceparm fog
surfaceparm nolightmap

fogparms ( .211 .231 .094 ) 250

That's the fog shader you're currently using, renamed. Just change the fog in the editor to that shader name. Now you can edit it to how you want. Take a look at the fogparms:

fogparms ( <red> <green> <blue> ) <distance to opaque>

You can edit the color and the density of the fog. Higher values for distance to opaque will increase the range of sight.

The way I find the most suitable color is by finding a color in Paint Shop Pro, dividing the RGB values by 255 and adding them to the shader. You could also use a site like www.maxi-pedia.com/rgb+color+picker to find the right RGB values for you.

As for bot support, I managed to compile an AAS without issue. Copy your bsp file to the folder your bspc.exe is in, create a new txt file, add this to it:

bspc -bsp2aas catacombsofhell.bsp

Save the file, rename it to a .bat extension, run it.
Edited 26 seconds after the original posting.

That worked, thanks. I've increased the opaque to 350, is this any better?


Instead of making an AAS file it made a LIN file, here's the log:

BSPC version 2.1h, May 6 2001 16:15:03 by Mr Elusive
bsp2aas: CatacombsofHell.bsp to CatacombsofHell.aas
-- Q3_LoadMapFromBSP --
Loading map from CatacombsofHell.bsp...
creating planar surface planes...
searching visible brush sides...
0 brush sides1958 brush sides textured out of 3930
Entity 0, Brush 16: duplicate plane
Entity 0, Brush 30: duplicate plane
Entity 0, Brush 52: duplicate plane
Entity 0, Brush 176: duplicate plane
Entity 0, Brush 188: duplicate plane
Entity 0, Brush 196: duplicate plane
Entity 0, Brush 196: duplicate plane
Entity 0, Brush 1043: duplicate plane
Entity 0, Brush 1045: duplicate plane
-------- Brush CSG ---------
3762 original brushes
2931 output brushes
-------- Brush BSP ---------
2931 brushes
19342 visible faces
0 nonvisible faces
25238 total sides
Win32 multi-threading
1 threads max
depth first bsp building
two tiny brushes
two tiny brushes
two tiny brushes
two tiny brushes
two tiny brushes
two tiny brushes
two tiny brushes
two tiny brushes
two tiny brushes
two tiny brushes
two tiny brushes
two tiny brushes
two tiny brushes
two tiny brushes
two tiny brushes
two tiny brushes
90099 splits
12523 KB of peak total bsp memory
BSP tree created in 24 seconds
------- Prune Nodes --------
65564 pruned nodes
---- Node Portalization ----
24535 nodes portalized
1993 tiny portals
4397 KB of portal memory
10091 KB of winding memory
------ FloodEntities -------
WARNING: entity reached from outside

KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2362
#26   22 Jun 2011
Does the LIN file grant bot support??
PaN61 Rep. 385
#28   22 Jun 2011
Satang Fang:

BSPC version 2.1h, May 6 2001 16:15:03 by Mr Elusive
bsp2aas: CatacombsofHell.bsp to CatacombsofHell.aas
-- Q3_LoadMapFromBSP --
Loading map from CatacombsofHell.bsp...
creating planar surface planes...
searching visible brush sides...
0 brush sides1958 brush sides textured out of 3930
Entity 0, Brush 16: duplicate plane
Entity 0, Brush 30: duplicate plane
Entity 0, Brush 52: duplicate plane
Entity 0, Brush 176: duplicate plane
Entity 0, Brush 188: duplicate plane
Entity 0, Brush 196: duplicate plane
Entity 0, Brush 196: duplicate plane
Entity 0, Brush 1043: duplicate plane
Entity 0, Brush 1045: duplicate plane
-------- Brush CSG ---------
3762 original brushes
2931 output brushes
-------- Brush BSP ---------
2931 brushes
19342 visible faces
0 nonvisible faces
25238 total sides
Win32 multi-threading
1 threads max
depth first bsp building
two tiny brushes
two tiny brushes
two tiny brushes
two tiny brushes
two tiny brushes
two tiny brushes
two tiny brushes
two tiny brushes
two tiny brushes
two tiny brushes
two tiny brushes
two tiny brushes
two tiny brushes
two tiny brushes
two tiny brushes
two tiny brushes
90099 splits
12523 KB of peak total bsp memory
BSP tree created in 24 seconds
------- Prune Nodes --------
65564 pruned nodes
---- Node Portalization ----
24535 nodes portalized
1993 tiny portals
4397 KB of portal memory
10091 KB of winding memory
------ FloodEntities -------
WARNING: entity reached from outside

Looks like you have 9 brushes that share the same axis plane to other brushes which will increase the BSP and AAS files compile time than if you didn't have them. It also seems that you have a leak in your map which might be caused by entities outside of the hull (Void) or you have a location which is not sealed off from hull (Void) of the map.

I'm not a professional at map making but these might be the causes I've analyzed in your BSPC compile log.


Do curves with nothing behind them count?
themuffinator Rep. 1044
#30   22 Jun 2011
That means your map is leaked. The file it made is a line file, which is a vector line that indicates where there are gaps in your map. Strange thing is that it worked fine for me. Here it is: www.mediafire.com/...combsofHell.zip
themuffinator Rep. 1044
#31   22 Jun 2011
Curves do not seal your map up. You should always at least caulk behind all curves.
Hmm, it seems that the curves are sealed, unless I missed something. And your AAS didn't work, while loading a bot it said AAS file is out of date.
themuffinator Rep. 1044
#33   22 Jun 2011
You're probably using a newer version of your bsp then. Try it with the version you uploaded here. It works for me.
themuffinator Rep. 1044
#34   23 Jun 2011
For the leaks (that I can't find): Open up your map in Radiant, go File >> Pointfile. Follow the red line and it'll find leaks if you have any. Also make sure your fog is set as a detail brush, and there are no entities stuck in any structural brushes.
I found a leak, I patched it but when I go to File >> Pointfile again it still says I got a leak in the exact same area. I've released version 0.4 beta for now, I couldn't add bot support.




Rain added
Architectural detail added (floors, walls, ceilings)
The teleporter in the fog has been changed to fix the fog errors
The curves in the orange pit of death have been remove due to errors
Green fog opaque has been increased from 250 to 350

Please report any errors!

themuffinator Rep. 1044
#36   23 Jun 2011
Could be construction related. Do you get any errors popping up while compiling the BSP?
Tig Rep. 1672
#37   23 Jun 2011
If you have more than 1 leak, you need to re-compile after each leak is patched - to get a new Pointfile that will point to the next leak spot. Note: if you place an entity outside of the world you will also get a leak but the Pointfile may not point to anything.
KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2362
#38   23 Jun 2011
Whats a "leak"? I mean, If I am going to start mapping I just suppose it would be relevant to know.
EmeraldTiger Rep. 2581
#39   23 Jun 2011
A leak is a mapping error usually caused when:
  • You have a gap in a wall or some other structure which allows the player to see or enter the void;
  • You have an entity outside of the map floating in the void.
A leaked map is bad because it significantly slows down your framerates, makes your map look unprofessional, and can cause visual problems, such as direct lighting being used instead of inverse square root.
KommissarReb (SW12) Rep. 2362
#40   23 Jun 2011
That is something I remember dealing with in my times of mapping for Doom II. And unfortunately, I found that sometimes it was irreversible because of how big the mistake was.

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