map_convertors readme
(an edited version taken from - 26.feb.00)

Paul Jaquays on Map Converters ........


We (id) have taken the position that map converting programs should
only be used if a map maker is converting his or her original map
designs (created for another game engine) to the Quake 3 Arena Engine.

Any textures used to make the conversion should either be textures
from an id PK3 file or conversions of the map author's own original
textures or other textures that have been created for the purpose
of free dissemination. Using textures ripped and converted from other
id or non-id games violates the owners copyrights is not to be allowed.

Furthermore, the maps that id created for Quake 1 and Quake 2 are
also our copyrighted property and are only to be distributed and used
with the games for which they were created.

Respect should also be given to the original map authors. Like id,
they own the copyright to their works. Any conversions made of maps by
designers other than id should either by done by the map maker or with
his or her permission.

The other issue regarding converted maps is that maps are designed to
work with the physics of the game for which they were designed. As an
example, I've run through a mechanical conversion of DM4 for classic
Quake. Even though it was a 1 to 1 converion of the original, it sucked
badly in Q3. All the proportions were off and the textures looked
butt-ugly. By comparison another author had taken the same map and
re-interpreted it for Q3A. The dimensions and design of the map were
adjusted to work with the Quake 3 physics. The textures and level of
geometric detail were brought up to Q3a speed. In the end, it was an
good-looking original work that greatly reminded the player of the
orginal classic.

At id, we strongly support that type of conversion.

Sorry if this came off like a lecture. Thanks for supporting out game
on you pages.

Paul Jaquays
id Software, inc.

