Description : Created for Map-Center's Q3 25th Anniversary jam. A large space CTF arena for 8+ players. The layout should be... reasonably familiar.
Thanks to : Mr. Duplicity 'mrd'
Previous work : foo3dm1.pk3: Foo3DM1 - Dry Ice
foo3dm2.pk3: Foo3DM2 - Deep Element
foo3dm3.pk3: Foo3DM3 - Spectator Sport
foo3dm4.pk3: Foo3DM4 - Gloves Off
gc4_foo.pk3: GC4_Foo - Red Warrior Shot The Food
glovesoff.pk3: Gloves Off (Quake Live)
plonker.pk3: Fat Plonker (Collaboration)
ultrav.pk3, ultrav_hd.pk3: Ultraviolence (Q3 Edition)
devoctf1.pk3: Devotion CTF #1
* MAP Information *
New Textures : Skybox from skies_master pack
* Construction *
Base : The original q3dm17 and q3tourney4 for reference. Decompiled then rebuilt all brushwork to squeeze the r_speeds down under 20k
Construction Time : ~30 hours
Build Time : 30 minutes
Editor used : Netradiant-Custom
Other programs : Q3Map2, Notepad, Paint3D, Irfanview
Known Bugs : Bots yeet themselves into the void sometimes just for funsies
* Copyright / Permissions *
Map file is included, remix and modify however you like. Original DM17, Tourney4, and assets remain property of id software.
Quake III Arena is a registered trademark of id Software, Inc.