mc_q3_25th_anniversary_pack readme
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Map-Center's Quake 3 25th Anniversary Pack

To celebrate Quake 3's 25th Anniversary the Map-Center community came together for a jam which resulted in this map pack. It's been quite a bumpy ride with months of delay, but it's finally here. We're very grateful for all the participants and are happy to see maps from veterans and newcomers alike. This has resulted in 12 brand new maps for Quake 3 Arena. All of them have been thoroughly tested. Each map (with the exception of Porcelain) is made for FFA and multiple maps support additional game modes such as CTF. Bot play is supported as well, although your mileage may vary.


Map Author - Map Name - File Name

acid - Mondkind - map-acid3dm12.pk3
an_origamian - ori_apt - ori_apt.pk3
Chnucki Erdbeer - Porcelain - CTFChnu01.pk3
Chris "Foo" Thorpe - Exhumed Humiliation Redux - exhumed.pk3
Chris "Foo" Thorpe - Quadranscentennial CTF - QuadCTF.pk3
Jameson - Knoblauch - jam3dm3_25.pk3
Luciano "Neon_Knight" Balducchi - The Deck (Q3 Edition) - q325_deck.pk3
Spike "Spike" Young - The Fragpit Remastered spikedm1c.pk3
Spike "Spike" Young - Shaft 25 - spikedm9.pk3
Stefan "sst13" Scholz - Castle Of Aaargh! - map-13castle.pk3
StormCatcher.77 - Caustic - caustic.pk3
tehSandwich - Rust and Chrome - tsh3dm2.pk3


Special thanks:

To all participants for taking the time to celebrate this anniversary!
ID Software for developing Quake 3 Arena
Garux for Netradiant Custom
Uzu for his Q325 cake model
The Map-Center community for their continued support



Extract the .pk3 files to your baseq3 folder in your game directory. You can access the maps in the game’s menu or open the console and type map followed by the name and press enter. For instance, map phantq3dm6_mc.


Distribution / Copyright / Permissions

Quake III Arena is a registered trademark of id Software, Inc.
These MAPS may be electronically distributed only at NO CHARGE to the recipient in its current state, MUST include this .txt file, and may NOT be modified IN ANY WAY. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES IS THIS MOD/MAP TO BE DISTRIBUTED ON CD-ROM WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION.
Please do not use any of these assets in ANY COMMERCIAL PROJECT. Remember to give credit if you use any of the assets.
