duellist-ii readme
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"Duellist II" - For Quake III Arena (Deathmatch + Tourney)
by Matt "Bung Fluff" Davis
Visit my site at **invalid URL**
My second attempt at building a map.
Filenames: duellist2.pk3, duellist2.txt
Author: Matt "Bung Fluff" Davis
Address: **email removed**

Description: An enhanced version of the original DUELLIST. With additional architechture
and jump pads at the base. Lots of eye candy so it can be a frame hog but
worth it. Made for tourney but FFA option can be played with up to 4 players.
Additional Credits:

Thanks to: Paul Jaquays for making an editor that even a moron could figure out.
The guys at Id for being the guys at Id.
Sudwerks for providing liquid sustenance for those late hours of mapping.
Map Instructions:

Unzip duellist2.pk3 into your Quake3/baseq3/directory.
If this doesn't work, make sure you have in your baseq3 subdirectory the
maps, levelshots, and scripts folders. Put duellist2.jpg in levelshots,
deullist2.bsp, duellist2.aas in maps and duellist2.arena in scripts.

****Test Machine: PIII 500 196MB RAM TNT2 ULTRA
****Compiler : DITTO

In game Support - YES
SP BOT support - YES
Deathmatch - YES
Tourney - YES
New Textures - None
Items/Weapons _ The rail and shotgun.

Base: New level from scratch.
Editor Used: Q3Radiant 200/Q3Build
Known Bugs: None

Total Compile Time: 5 Hours
Copyright and Permissions:

You can use anything that you find of redeeming value that you want, just and long as you
give me the credit for what ever you use it for. That's it!

(c) Copyright 2000 Matt Davis
