A massive investment of time and effort from Requiem has led to Blast from the Past. In many ways this is a extension or expansion on Requiem's previous releases - Nu Clear Lunch Time (2005) and Deathroom Bathroom (2002). By comparison, Blast from the Past is much larger, complex and more detailed.
Visually, this release is amazing. The amount of work in the textures and modelling is phenomenal. There is a real sense of a living space. Following on from the visuals are the secrets. There are many of these very rich extras. Taking the time to explore the map alone feels like a single player adventure as you uncover each new section.
Once you have worked out how to reach the secrets beyond the main gameplay area, it is easy enough to use these passageways to escape the combat for a quick breather, or to pick up a few bonuses that can be obtained. Note: The secrets are not available in Tourney or Team DM matches.
Gameplay can be fun and enjoyable, just not as strong as the rest of the map. Items are well positioned and keep you moving about. Navigation from area to area or even within an area is fairly good. It is the very strong environment that is carrying everything else.
Bots will keep you busy so long as you stick to the primary locations. They do not appear to explore behind the hidden doorways.
A map that is well and truly worth downloading, exploring and keeping.
Ranked: 5 out of 5 (4 votes)
Download: Blast from the Past by Requiem