Originally released in 2004 and making its way here 20 years later. Campgrounds After (6ex) is an extended version of The Camping Grounds (q3dm6) from the base game.
Trying to extend such a well known and played map is brave. The changes are interesting. Consisting of an extra floor upwards, additional long corridors and some expanded spaces. Almost all of these adjustments are harming the gameplay.
The level construction is inferior to the original as well. The lack of brush clipping creates snag points which impedes movement. The lighting is flatter. Most of the curves have been removed. As a whole, it just feels like a rushed beta. Something thrown together to test some ideas.
On top of all that there is no bot file. You will need to find a few friends before being able to really test out these modifications.
You can see what the author was trying to do, it just has not worked out. Maybe 20 years ago this would have been more interesting.
Ranked: 2.8 out of 5 (2 votes)
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