Campgrounds After
Campgrounds After by <-(G)->
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HelterSkeleton Rep. 6761
#3   09 Aug 2024
i agree with geniraul on the item placement but do prefer the more ambient lighting. I think the ex here should refer to the fact that it is one of several dm6 remakes extended and expanded for excessive play. I have played this live on excessive so it does work but there are better dm6 excessive maps out there.
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leilei Rep. 443
#2   08 Aug 2024
.....I don't see 'sex' out of it, more like "q3dm6 EX".
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Geniraul Rep. 1842
#1   08 Aug 2024
Let me put my two cents in and agree with the review while providing some criticism. I think additional hallways are not short enough to not have any neagtive impact on the gameplay, and the SG and LG on the lower floor should be exchanged with each other. It makes more sense to me to combat for an LG in a longer corridor, and for an SG in a smaller area surrounded by 4 short arcs.

I also think the rocket launcher on the topmost floor (the one above the columns) allows for too much rocket spam on players on both the columns and ground floor; the YA area is located at a greater distance, so there should be no big issue. The lighting could have been significantly brighter as well.

Lack of bot support is also a rather discouraging factor in 2024, and the mapname is more questionable than not. I noticed a wordplay in the name, not exactly sure if it was intentional, but it's possible that '6ex' stands for "ex-DM6", so a reworked version of Q3DM6. However, I'm inclined to think it was not completely necessary.

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