Molten Cliffs
Molten Cliffs by MyNameIs

Molten Cliffs is an ambitious release. The author has remade The Molten Falls from Quake Champions. This is no decompile or ported version of the original, it is a rebuild from scratch using the official Bethesda heatmap as guide!

Gone are the super-sized bones and almost monotone texture set. Replaced with brushwork and textures more fitting to Quake 3 Arena. The atmosphere and feel of the original has been maintained. A lot of that has come from the rich inaccessible environment, something that was always missing from the base game maps in order to improve frame rates.

Included in the download are two versions. Both are the same except one is slightly scaled down. Personally I enjoyed the smaller version. It is a faster, tighter map that feels more Q3A than the full sized version.

The layout, gameplay and item placement are all solid thanks to the hard work from the Bethesda team. Bots will navigate throughout the map as well.

A lot of work has gone into making this release. From the original team and the author of this Q3A rebuild. Would be really interesting to see if the author can take what they have learned here and make a unique release next time.

Download and enjoy the release.

Ranked: 4 out of 5 (4 votes)

Download: Molten Cliffs by MyNameIs
