Scrap Metal ][
by Bal
Title : Scrap Metal ][
BSP Name : Bal3dm4.bsp
Author : Benoit "Bal" Stordeur
Release Date : April 4, 2001
Email Address : **email removed**
Home Page : **invalid URL**
Game : Quake 3 arena DM
File size : 3.8Mb

Description : This is a conversion of my q1 map baldm6 - scrap metal...
Its a large atrium map, lots of interconnections...
r_speeds are higher then they should be

Additional Thanks to : Robert duffy, for Q3radiant, kick ass editor
Lunaran for the texture set
(**invalid URL**)
Death2Uall of The Sound Factory for ambient sounds
ID for quake1, and for a pretty 3d engin...
All the great mappers that made me wanna start mapping
(GeN, Headshot, Ztn, Frib, Peej...)
The cool people in #terrafusion and on Qmap
Nehahra team, for kickin major ass

Beta testing : Alcatraz, Lunaran, Than, Ninja, Nunuk, Grindspire, Friction, Yogi
Auhsan, Dmo, Nanospawn, Vondur, Abbo, Chaos and all the people at the Burial Grounds
who gave feedback (**invalid URL**)
Anyone else I may have forgotten (sorry, I always forget people, my beta
testing times are to fucking long)

Other stuff : Dont hesitate to send me feedback! and please tell me if u review it or
put it on a server...

Previous work : [Q1dm] Baldm1 - Horror at Red Hook
[Q1dm] Baldm2 - In The Vault
[Q1dm] Baldm3 - Tainted Meat
[Q1dm] Baldm4 - Eternal Life
[Q1dm] Baldm5 - When the Beast Prevails
[Q1dm] Baldm6 - Scrap Metal
[Q1dm] Baldm7 - Black Feathered Wings
[Q1dm] Baldm8 - Dying Embers
[Q1dm] Reinc5 - Somwhere in the Vast
[Q1sp] Neh2m5 - Dreams Made Flesh
[Q1sp] Neh2m6 - Your Last Cup of Sorrow
[Q3A] Bal3dm1 - Ash Rain
[Q3A] Bal3dm2 - Golconda
[Q3A] Bal3dm3 - Disinformation


* MAP Information *

New Textures : Yep, 100% lunbase textures as far as i know!
New sounds : yup, some cool ambient sounds from the sound factory

* Construction *

Base : from scratch
Construction Time : Around 2 week + 6-7 months of idling
Build programs : guess
Compile Time : around 1hour
Compile machine : P2 400mhz, 256mb RAM
Editor used : q3radiant
Other programs : psp6, ps6, q3build...
Known Bugs : maybe...

* Copyright / Permissions *

All textures in this level remain property of their respective owners.
You may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels without
explicit permission of the author!
You may distribute this BSP in any electronic format (BBS, Internet,
CD, etc) but u may NOT by any means use it to gain money.
If u paid to get this, then u got totally riped off! =)
