Title : No Class!
Map Filename : wdw3team1.bsp
Release Date : August 08, 2000
Author : Wiebo de Wit
Email Address : **email removed**
Homepage : **invalid URL**
Map Type : CPM/VQ3 Teamplay 4-4 / FFA
Bot support : yes
Map description : A large gothic structure, designed for teamplay with teams of
4, but it will also work with large FFA games.
This map was designed with the Challenge Pro Mode mod in mind
(playmorepromode.com/) and initiated under
the Challenge.World.Map project.
Testers : Insanity, SluDgE, Vip, OuTrA, MaD, Fuzzylogic, Melvin,
Sweeper, Dabutcher and Impulse.
Thanks for your great contribution guys!
Visit their clans webpages:
Voodooslayers (voodooslayers.shrimpwars.be)
Heaven Shall Burn (hsb.shrimpwars.be)
Additional testing by Mr.Clean, Hoony, Pappy-R.
Thanks to : My girlfriend for putting up with long editing hours.
Jeff Yost and Hoony for setting up the Challenge.World.Maps
Lord Imric for compiling my .map file. This level would not
have been possible without your support. Thanks!
-- Construction
Base : new level from scratch
Editor used : latest non-beta Q3Radiant
Known Bugs : none known. Tell me if you find one.
Build Time : around 3 months, on and off.
Compile machine : Lord Imric's Athlon 700/512Mb RAM/GeForce2/21" monitor
-- Usage
1. Unzip wdw3team1.pk3 into your quake3/baseq3 directory
2. Fire up Q3A, select your game mode, select FFA or TEAMPLAY and select the level.
-- Copyright / Permissions
Quake III Arena is a registered trademark of id Software, Inc.
This level is (c) 2000 Wiebo de Wit.
You may distribute this map FREELY via internet, provided you include this
.TXT file and leave the archive intact with no modifications. If you would
like to use this map in any other way, contact me via **email removed**