The Railing Box
Title : The Railing Box
Filename : sg_rail1.pk3
Author : David "[A-6]SgtGhost" Levesque
Email Address : **email removed**
WebPage : **invalid URL**
Description : A Railing box

Additional Credits to : id software for doing what id does best.
: Quake3 Forums (Level Editing)
: Id Level Designer Paul Jaquays, for is numerous Tips!
: My Clan buddys [A-6]DjEdElYn and [A-6]Trashing Donut for there feedback
: Q3Radiant rocks !


- Play Information -

Players : Preferably 2-4 players, but theres 8 spawns.
Bots : Yes. (Dont be a fool and play on hardcore or Nightmare mode)
Weapons : Railgun (Machine Gun is there by default)
Powerups : Regeneration and Quad Damage (only one at the time will show up)

Just throw the pk3 file into your baseq3 directory, and type /sv_pure 0 (if not set) and /map sg_rail1 at
the console.

- Construction -

Base : New level from scratch (It was a testing box, but end it up being a Rail Box Now)
Editor(s) used : Q3Radiant
Known Bugs : ive notice that some bots, seems to get stuck near a jumpads, dont know for sure if its a : map bug or a bot problem
Build Time : too long, but hey, Im newbie to this, a slow learner!
Textures used : Gothic set, and Mirrors.

- Other Info -
My first Quake3 Rail map, ive never done any maps before, so dont expect a very detail level design map, but the rail map is damn fun, enjoy!
This is what i plan to do in the future, only Rail Maps!

- Copyright / Permissions -
Just dont try to make money with it by adding it on a cd and selling the damn thing.
