House of Dissent
House of Dissent by Eraser

Title : House of Dissent
Date : 13/02/2011
Filename : map-ermap4.pk3
Author : Eraser
Email Address : **email removed** (yes, that says **email removed**)
Description : Medium sized Deathmatch map
Mods required : None
Thanks go to : - obsidian, DaEngineer, kaffee and Anthem for their feedback
- ydnar for Q3Map2 and his never ending lighting knowledge


- Play Information -

Gametype(s) : DM/TDM/1v1
Players : 4 - 6
Bots : Yes
Weapons : SG, GL, RL, LG, RG, PG
Powerups : YA, MH


- Developer commentary -

This map is intended to be played in Free For All, Team Deathmatch or 1v1
gametypes. CTF mode isn't without it's use for this map though, despite the
lack of flags. Running the map in CTF mode enables the holographic
"developer commentary" screens found throughout the map. These screens give
background information about the construction of the map.


- Construction -

Base : From scratch
Editor(s) used : GtkRadiant 1.4
Additional Tools : Quake ToolKit, Paint.NET, UltraEdit-32/Notepad++, q3ase
Textures used : Base Texture set


- Contact -

Eraser - **email removed**
Engines of Creation -
Quake3World Forums -

This map is ©2011 Jerry Laman and may only be distributed by electronic
means (e.a. Internet or BBS). Please don't copy this map or parts of it
without my permission.
