Release date: 31st of March 2010.
Quake3Arena DM level.


file: konq3dm1.pk3
author: KOHTPA
email address: **email removed**
URL: **invalid URL**
description: Small DM map. DM up to 5 people, More and it will fall apart :]
play information

tourney: no
deathmatch: Small DM (up to 5 ppl)
team deathmatch: no
CTF: no
Bot File (aas): yes
other: no
new sounds: no
new graphics: no
new music: no

how to play: place konq3dm1.pk3 in your /baseq3/ folder
start quake3
hit ~
type \map konq3dm1
type \addbot <botname> <skill>

hit ~ (to clear the console)

OR select konq3dm1 from the skrimish menu

base: none
editor: Q3Radiant 202 by Id Software
other progs: no
know bugs: none known
build time: about 2 weeks of spare time

thanx to ...

everyone who will return on my level again and again
Distribution / Copyright / Permissions

Copyright (c) 2010 KONTPA,
All rights reserved.

Quake III Arena is a registered trademark of id Software, Inc.

