The Bunker (2)
"The Bunker - Version 1.0"
AUTHOR: Mr.Lake DATE: 05/28/03
E-MAIL: **email removed**
Note to everyone:

I set a goal for myself and for a
change I actually delivered! :)

What was the goal you ask? Build
a medium-sized map for FFA, Team,
and Tourney optimized for Q3 Bots
and complete the map in 72 hours.

I started Sunday, May 24th and by
the same time Wednesday afternoon
"The Bunker" is the final result.

The map should be a good addition
as a CPMA or RA3 map...but if you
end up keeping this map on your
harddrive for any reason, it will
be for the excellent AI. The bot
play around the level is uncanny,
and I have taken much care in the
map's evolution to preserve the
bots' performance to this final
version. I hope you all enjoy.


"The Bunker" started as a garbage
map for the challenge described
above. As the map began to take
shape and obstackes were needed,
I happened over the base_objects
set and began to fill the level
with crates. Within a few hours
there was a distinct Quake 2 feel
in the architecture and theme, so
72-hours later it seemed natural
to identify it with a quake 2-ish

The map itself is 3 levels, a ton
of health and amunition (of which
I received criticism for the lack
of in Burning Reminders), and the
all important crates. Everything
within has a brutal-industrialism
theme varrying upon your floor in
the map, but always consistant.

How to install:

Copy the "map-bunker.pk3" file
into the "baseq3" folder inside
your Quake III Arena folder. You
should now be able to access the
map through the various Quake 3

Map file statistics:

Filename: bunker.bsp
Map title: The Bunker
Gametypes: Tourney, FFA, Team
Reccommended: 4 bots or a 2 vs 2

Build Time: 72 hours
Compile Time: 16 minutes
Workstation: 2100 Athlon XP
Compiler: Q3Map2 (by ydnar)
Inspiration: Quake 2, Halo, and

The Bunker - (C) Mr. Lake - 2003
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