Released: 21/October/2001
* General Details *
Title : MVDM07 - Born to Jump
Filename : map-mvdm07.pk3
Maps : mvdm07.bsp
Author : Munyul Verminard
Email Address : **email removed**
Website : **invalid URL**
Description : A tournament map based in a tech theme. The idea behind this
map was to give players an alternate map to play rather then
Q3Tourney4. The resulting gameplay is better than I had hoped
for, but I think my texturing scheme may upset some players...
Born to Jump is best suited to tournament games, but a FFA of
up to 4 maybe 5 players should be quite enjoyable...
* Instructions *
1) Extract map-mvdm07.pk3 into your Quake3/baseq3/ directory
2) Start Quake3
3) The map will be accessable from the menu or type in /map mvdm07 in the console
* Play Information *
Game Type : Tournament, Free for all
Players : 2-5
Bot Support : Yes
Ctf Support : No
Difficulties : No
New Textures : Yes
* Construction *
Base : Original
Editor used : Q3radiant
Computer : P3-800mhz, 256 meg, Windows 98
Compile time : 10mins FullVis (light -extra)
Known Bugs : Missaligned textures, and I don't care!
Build time : about 2 months.
* Credits *
ID Software for Quake III Arena.
A big THANK YOU once again to all the guys and gals from the Quake3World Level
Editing forum, for their comments on my 3 beta releases.
* Legal Stuff *
Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional
You MAY distribute this BSP, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file