The Wisdom Machine
- File Information --------------------------------------------------------

Title : The Wisdom Machine
Filename : quintdm3.pk3
Author : Quint (Marco Quintavalle)
Email Address : **email removed**
Web Site : **invalid URL**
Installation : Unzip and place quintdm3.pk3 in your Quake3 -> baseq3
Then The map should now
be accessible in the Multiplayer menu or by typing at in the console:

\sv_pure 0
\map quintdm3

- Play Information -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Description : This is the third map of a trilogy composed by other
two maps called "The Birth Machine" and
"The Guns OF Navarone". What do have these maps
in common? Not only the outhor, obviously, bat there is a theme
that link them each other:
They are all floaters, the first one is in the atmosphere (air),
the second one is above the sea (water), and this one on a desert (earth). Olso, The first one experiments a vertical way
to use physics, the second one do that in an horizontal way,
this one in both the way...
and this is the reason why I've choosen the name "wisdom".
The second part of the name "Machine" has been choosen to close
the circle started with "The Birth Machine"

Player Base : Free-For-All
Number of Players : 3-8
Best Player Load : 4-5
New textures : yes, the complete level is with
custom textures made by Lord Manson and me.
New shaders : Yes, made by Lord Manson and me.
New skybox : Yes, made by Sock.
New music : Yes, made by Brad.

- Construction ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Base : New level from scratch
Construction Time : 30 days
Programs used : Q3Radiant202, Q3build, Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop, Painter, Q3Ase.
Compile time: 2.15 hours

- Credits ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Lord Mason : wonderfull texture artist
Brad : very talented sound designer
available for making music for your maps,
contact him at:
**email removed**
Sock : for his lovely skybox.

Here are all the kind people that gave me a feedback:

MikeyButtmunchJax_GatorBloodOzZ *OCISevenUpCardigankrekitsblaiseWhiskey 7ArshishPolBenjamin EgloffK.NinjaMessalinaOne shot killNinja KilerNilla

Sorry for all the guys I could forgot in this list.
Thanks also to all people that gave me comments in the forums!
Please, mail me if you decide to review it, or put it in a server.

- Copyright / Permissions ----------------------------------------------------------------
Authors May Not decompile the BSP as a base to build additional levels
without previous Quint's permission.
Authors may use the included custom textures & shaders
provided they give note of such in an attached readme.

You MAY distribute this pak file and/or its contents by any electronic means, provided you leave the contents unaltered and include this text file, also unaltered. This file may not be commercially exploited in any way.
