Title : MKVDV - Vorsprung durch Vernichtung
Author : Martin "Killer" Kilcoyne
Version : 2nd December 2001
File Name : mkvdv.pk3
E-Mail : **email removed**
Web Site : **invalid URL**
Description : Another cool texture set from Lunaran and by
sheer coincidence another map from me :-) This
time it was Lun's LUN3DM3 texture set which
inspired a spell of mapping. The map is a
medium to large affair which will require at
least 4 players to get the most out of it.
I know the r_speeds are a bit excessive in the
central area but I went to town with the
curves and trim and it looked nice so I wasn't
about to remove it all ;-)
Hope you have as much fun playing the map as I
have had making it. Thanks for reading.
Credits : Thanks obviously to Lunaran for his cool
textures check out his work at:
**invalid URL**
Thanks to my house mate Willi Hammes for
teaching me Max, building the cool looking
rocks, doing the funky slime shader and sky
box. Check out his amazing 3d stuff at:
**invalid URL**
Previous Work : 23/05/01 - MKBASE-TA - Feel The Base (TA)
13/05/01 - MKBASE - Feel The Base
25/02/01 - MKEXP - Industrial Experience
24/12/00 - MKTECH - Technophobia
05/10/00 - MKOXIDE - Iron Oxide for Q3:A
12/02/00 - MKFINGERS - Itchy Trigger Fingers
20/10/99 - MKFUTILE2 - Resistance Is Futile II
18/09/99 - KTDM7 - Silicon Avatar
18/09/99 - KTDM5 - Enemy Mine
18/09/99 - KTDM3 - The Colosseum
18/09/99 - KTDM1 - Iron Oxide
24/12/98 - MKDEPOT - Depot of Decimation
06/11/98 - MKRUST - The Rust Bucket
07/10/98 - MKFUTILE - Resistance Is Futile
16/09/98 - MKMETAL - Metallic Resistance
27/08/98 - MKTRIPLE - The Triple Towers
Note KTDM1, 3, 5 and 7 are part of the 8 map
Quake II deathmatch map pack KT-imPAKt. Full
details on the KT-imPAKt Homepage:
**invalid URL**
* Play Information *
Game : Quake III
Bot Match : Yes
Deathmatch : 2on2 - 6on6, 4-12 FFA (14 spawns)
Teamplay : 2on2 - 6on6
* PK3 Information *
BSP : maps/mkvdv.bsp
AAS : maps/mkvdv.aas
Shaders : scripts/mkvdv.shader
Arena File : scripts/mkvdv.arena
Levelshot : levelshots/mkvdv.jpg
Textures : textures/mkvdv/*
* Construction *
Base : New map from scratch
Build Time : About 8 weeks on and off
Brush Count : 5728 (of which 391 are entities)
Compile Machine : Dual PIII 1GHz with 1Gb RAM
Compile Time : 28 minutes
Editor Used : Q3Radiant 202
Other Utils : Q3Farm, BSPC, 3dsmax 3.1, PopNFresh's MD3
Exporter, NPherno's MD3 Compiler, Photoshop
5.5, WinZip
Known Bugs : None
* How to Use *
Simply extract the mkvdv.pk3 file and this text file into your
Quake III "baseq3" directory. So for me this would be
"C:\games\quake3\baseq3". Once installed the map will appear in
the Single Player Skirmish menu.
* Copyright / Permissions *
You may NOT use this map as a base for other maps.
The textures and shaders used in this map remain the property of
their respective owners and were used with their permission.
You are NOT allowed to commercially exploit this level, i.e. put
it on a CD or any other electronic medium that is sold for money
without my explicit permission.
You MAY distribute this BSP through any electronic network
(internet, FIDO, local BBS etc.), provided you include this file
and leave the archive intact.
If any magazines want to put this map on a cover CD, then make
sure you ask me first, send me a copy and we'll be straight :-)