The Shortest Yard (2)
The Shortest Yard by Arshish

Map name - The Shortest Yard
Map file name - asb_dm1.bsp
Describtion - Well it really aint much a describtion as it is my first map ever
on any editor. In other words a little deathmatch map good for 4 players & not
that good for more than 4 players.
Bot support - Yes
Bugs - not come across as yet

Credits :
1)Textures from Pete Parisi's Meatpak (**invalid URL**)
2)ldsand1.jpg texture from "Coriolis Storm" by Lunaran.
3)The ID doods for always coming up with something out of the box.

Installation :
Simply extract the asb_dm1.pk3 file from the to the baseq3 dir
located in ur Q3A dir. then in the console type /map asb_dm1 or u can access
it from the Skirmish menu.

Copyright Stuff :
All textures in this level remain property of their respective owners.
You may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels without
explicit permission of the author!
You may distribute this BSP in any electronic format (BBS, Internet,
CD, etc) but you may NOT by any means use it to gain money.

Contact :
Well this is my first map & I am sure u people must have somethign to
say , complaints & suggestions welcome at <**email removed**>
